Title: Jai Sadana SpiceJet Shares Top 5 Management Skills
1by Jai Sadana SpiceJet
Top 5 Management Skills
Let's go!
2You need to make sure that you have all the
right skills to be a great manager and manage
your future.
Jai Sadana SpiceJet
31. People Management Skills
you need to have a full range of skills to
support each member of your team. Managing people
is not easy, but with the right tools and skills
you can get there.
42. Influencing Skills
- It is very important to be able to positively
influence your colleagues, get them to buy into
your goals and implement your strategy.
53. Communication Skills
You need to be able to get people to listen to
you, remember and buy into your goals and act on
the information that you communicate to them
64. Project Management Skills
Managing projects is part of every managers
role today. Projects might be client-focused,
internal processes or even cross-departmental.
75. Leadership Skills
The first thing to learn is what is
the difference between management and
leadership? Then you need to learn and
practice lots of new leadership skills to take
you to the next level
8Thank You