Title: Top Mountain Bike Trails in Louisiana
1Top Mountain Bike Trails in Louisiana
2We have compiled a list of the top 6 mountain
bike trails in Louisiana. Whether youre looking
for an easy ride or something more challenging,
these are some great places to start!
3Lincoln Parish Park, Ruston
Free to the public, Lincoln Parish Park offers a
9-mile trail system thats great for beginners
and families. All trails are well marked, but you
can easily pick up more challenging trails as you
go along. A favorite is the Crawdad Loop near the
lake it can be an out-and-back or a loop,
depending on where you turn around.
4The Beast of St. Francisville, Louisiana
This trail is the most difficult (and dangerous)
of all Louisianas trails, but it comes with some
of the best views. The Beast of St. Francisville
runs along the Mississippi River for about three
miles and has about 1,400 feet in elevation gain.
If you want to hike or run this one rather than
biking, thats fine, too.
5Comite Trails
Less than an hour from Baton Rouge is the best
trail system in Louisiana. With over 50 miles of
trails, Comite Trails has something for every
skill level. You can find tougher singletrack
trails or easier doubletrack trails at this park.
6The Monkey Trail in Shreveport, Louisiana
The Monkey Trail is a very well-known trail in
Louisiana. Like many others on this list, its
great for families, beginners, and experienced
riders alike. Youll like this trail if youre
looking for dirt jumps, short trails,
beginner-friendly. This trail is flat and easy,
but still offers beautiful views of the
7Lakeshore MTB Singletrack in Shreveport, Louisiana
The Lakeshore trail is easy to access and great
for beginners. The total length of the trail is 4
miles, with some steeper sections. This trail
also connects to nearby Cypress Bayou trails if
you need more mileage. Youll like this trail if
youre looking for beginner-friendly trails,
lakeside views
8You can find everything from beginner-friendly
trails to expert-only descents on this list. So
no matter what your skill level is, theres
something here for everyone! Ready to get
started Read more at relaxandride.com