Title: Pacman Frog Varieties That Will Spark Your Attention
1Pacman Frog Varieties That Will Spark Your
2Pacman Frogs can be found in pet stores or online
sites, they are not the most common frog out
there, but they are fascinating to look at. This
is because of their bright colors and unique
looks. Pacman frogs also make great pets for
people who like reptiles and amphibians. Once you
buy exotic pets online, they require basic care,
do not need to be fed live insects, and do not
require special lighting or large tanks. The most
striking thing about the Pacman frog is its
coloration and markings. They have a green to
yellowish color and boast large, dark eyespots on
either side of their head that resemble the eyes
of a cartoon ghost named Pacman.
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4Here are the most famous varieties of Pacman to
buy as a pet
- Strawberry Albino Pacman Frog
- The Jungle Pacman Frog
- Caatinga Pacman Frog
- Gold Pacman Frog
- Orange Pacman Frog
5- Strawberry Albino Pacman Frog
- This type of Pacman frog doesnt have dark spots
on its back and instead has a white or
cream-colored dorsal surface. Because it lacks
melanin pigmentation, this variety is more
sensitive to light than other types of Pacman
frogs and should be housed in a cage with subdued
lighting. If exposed to bright lights, the albino
variety will develop dark spots on its body. - This variety is relatively rare in the pet trade,
so youll have to search for a reputable breeder
to get one. This may cost you more money in the
long run, though, because of how in-demand they
are. The Strawberry Albino Pacman frog is also
more fragile than other varieties, so youll need
to take extra care not to stress it out and make
sure that the cage is perfectly set up for
maximum comfort. - Tips You can place a few live crickets or
mealworms in with them as treats once every two
days, but only feed your frog these insects if
its hungry Pacman frogs can become fond of
them, and you dont want to overfeed.