All WBCs 61 Reactive Lymphocyte (Abnormal) All WBCs 62 Lymphocyte (Large) Lymphocyte (Reactive) Lymphocyte (Small) All WBCs 63 Lymphocyte (Large) Blast cell Lymphocyte (Reactive) Lymphocyte (Small) All WBCs 64 Monocyte
??? ??????
12 to 20 µm
?????? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ??????
?????? ????? ?? ?????? (Nucleoli))
???? ?????? ??? ???? ???????????
??? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ???????????
??????????? ???? ?????? ????? ???
???? vacuoles ?? ????? ?? ???????????
???? ???????????
????? ???? ????
All WBCs 65 All WBCs 66 All WBCs 67 All WBCs 68
Neutrophil (Segmented)
Neutrophil (Banded)
Small Lymphocyte
Large ymphocyte
Reactive Lymphocyte (Abnormal)
Do not count cells that are disintegrating !!!
Eosinophil with no cytoplasmic membrane and with scattered granules
smudge cells
Basket cells
Pyknotic cell (nucleus extremely condensed and degenerated, lobes condensed into small, round clumps with no filaments interconnecting).
70 (No Transcript) 71 (No Transcript) 72 (No Transcript) 73 (No Transcript) 74 Quality control in blood film 75 ?? RBC Lymphocyte Neutrophil 76 (No Transcript) 77 Echinocytes (burr cells)
Chronic kidney disease
Myeloproliferative disorders
Excess washing
EDTA arifacts
78 Target Cells (Codocytes)
Excess washing
79 (No Transcript) 80 (No Transcript) 81 (No Transcript) 82 Wrong exam site or thick film Cold agglutination 83 Rouleaux formation 84 Rouleaux Wrong exam site or thick film 85 Quality control in blood film
 The main difference in morphology of T- and B-lymphocytes is found to be the larger mean diameters of the latter
activated B cells can give rise to antibody-producing cells and some activated T cells become cytotoxic T cells.
97 Lymphocyte (Large) 98 Neutrophils have two types of granules primary (azurophilic) granules (found in young cells) and secondary (specific) granules (which are found in more mature cells). Primary granules contain cationic proteins and defensins that are used to kill bacteria, proteolytic enzymes and cathepsin G to break down (bacterial) proteins, lysozyme to break down bacterial cell walls, and myeloperoxidase (used to generate toxic bacteria-killing substances).13 In addition, secretions from the primary granules of neutrophils stimulate the phagocytosis of IgG antibody-coated bacteria.14 The secondary granules contain compounds that are involved in the formation of toxic oxygen compounds, lysozyme, and lactoferrin (used to take essential iron from bacteria) is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.
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