Title: ESL Teaching Niche - Bowei Strategy
1- James coaches ESL teachers to get their own
students online and build a 6-figure teaching
business. James is a scientist, consultant,
business coach, and an ESL student himself. His
own ESL teachers inspired him to start a business
to help many more ESL teachers who are currently
2ESL Teaching Niche
3How to get your own students online and charge
what youre worth?
In the book, you will find my step-by-step guide
to show you how to get started and have your own
teaching business online. The book only has 54
pages, and you can complete it within 2 hours.
4Teach Kids English Online
5Are you interested in transforming from teacher
to teacher-entrepreneur, or you already are one?
Join our community to meet and get support from
thousands of teacher-entrepreneurs just like you
who would like to get their OWN students online
and charge what theyre worth.
6Freelance ESL
7Niche Teaching
Niche teaching is the future for all independent
teachers. It focuses on solving your niches
problems. In niche teaching, you work with a
particular group of students that have the same
problems, and you deliver solutions to help
students solve these problems.
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