Title: John Cannava - Experience as a High-Performance Manager
1John Cannava
- Experience as a High-Performance Manager
2Technology Leader
Avid traveler John Cannava has visited countries
all over the world, including Turkey, Mexico,
Brazil and the Philippines, to name a few. John
Cannava is also a technology leader who has
helped teams under his leadership reach their
highest potential through a culture of trust,
autonomy and transparency.
3Business Transformation and Operational Execution
John Cannava has 20 plus years of experience as a
high-performance manager. He develops his teams
to deliver through Strategic Planning, Business
Transformation and Operational Execution. John
Cannava has a passion for helping companies reach
their full potential, but he also enjoys spending
time with his son.
4Customer Service and Human Resources
John Cannava has proven experience across a
variety of disciplines including FPA, MA
integration, Subscription Management, Customer
Service and Human Resources. Despite his
dedication to his career, John Cannava's bucket
list items include going on safari with his wife
and attending a World Cup match with his son.
5Dynamic Nature of a Technology Career
Technology leader John Cannava enjoys the
dynamic nature of a technology career. He enjoys
helping high-growth companies scale their systems
through different phases of maturity. John
Cannava also loves to travel with his family and
has been to the Eiffel Tower in France and to
many other exciting locales around the world.
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