Title: Sumit Gopalani - Certified Project Management Professional
1Sumit Gopalani
Certified Project Management Professional
2A Self-Driven Professional
Sumit Gopalani professional with
is a self-driven a student-first educational
mindset leveraging his background translating it i
nto the
business arena. With a passion to learn and
develop his skills, Sumit Gopalani is currently
enrolled in a certificate program at the
University of Miami to obtain a certification as
a Project Management Professional (PMP).
3A Networker
Sumit Gopalani is a a networker. As the Director
of Operations for Impact Health Sharing, he's
led and coordinated teams across the
organization while ensuring optimal
functionality. Sumit Gopalani is adept at
troubleshooting problems and delegating tasks to
the best person suited to perform them.
4A Skilled Leader
Sumit Gopalani is a skilled leader. As the
Director of Operations for Impact Health
Sharing, he's led and coordinated teams across
the organization while ensuring optimal
functionality. Sumit Gopalani is adept at
troubleshooting problems and delegating tasks to
the best person suited to perform them.
Sumit Gopalani is a multidisciplinarian with
undergraduate degrees in human resource
management and business administration and
management. He holds dual master's degrees in
public health and business administration with a
concentration management. As a graduate of the
University of Miami's project management
certificate program, Mr. Sumit Gopalani is well
qualified to manage business projects to achieve
organizational excellence.
6A Project Manager
As a project manager and senior business
analyst, Sumit Gopalani led teams in planning
projects, budgeting for and executing plans,
regular evaluations, troubleshooting, and
closing out all business partnership
initiatives spanning multiple industries.
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Sumit Gopalani