Title: bmfireireland
15 Importance of a FIRE DOOR
2Fire protection forms an integral part of every
standard building. There are 2 types of fire
protection systems- Active and Passive. The main
function of a fire protection system is to
safeguard a building and its occupants from fire.
They can actively do that by dispersing water or
passively through the help of special structures.
3Prevents fire- A fire door forms part of a
passive fire protection system. They are
installed to tolerate heat and restrict the fire
from spreading to other areas. They limit the
fire to one room only. This also stops the spread
of toxic gases.Quick escape- Since fire doors
in Ireland are installed to limit the spread of
fire, it gives a longer time for the safe
evacuation of people. They give quick escape
routes for the inmates of a building to save
their lives in case of an emergency. This is the
reason why fire doors should be fitted at the
initial stage of construction of a building.
4Protection- Fire doors are robust. When a fire
door is installed, it gives protection from fire
as well as from burglars as well. They are
thicker and stronger than a normal door and are
made of fire-resistant materials like intumescent
strips that expand on heating.
5Time for fire-fighters- A fire door withstands
heat or smoke caused by a fire. It can tolerate
heat for a duration of 60minutes. This prevents
it from spreading to other areas and hence this
allows time for fire-fighters to tackle the
fire. Insurance- Fire doors in Ireland act as
insurance against fire. They limit the fire and
protect the building from damage. They also save
the lives of the inmates of the building by
limiting the fire.
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