Title: Nurturing young Talent Jignesh Shah
2Mr. Jignesh Shah is the Founder, Chairman
Emeritus, and Chief Mentor of 63 moons
technologies limited. At a time when the Indian
financial market infrastructure needed solutions
for global integration and capacity building,
along with bridging the rural-urban divide, it
was the path-breaking vision of Mr. Jignesh Shah
went beyond the traditional market structure to
set up world-class trading systems in India.His
group was the only Indian company to have
established electronic silk and spice routes
across continents right from Africa, to
Middle-East, to South-East Asia.
Source Nurturing young Talent Jignesh Shah
3Jignesh Shah is about to start his new innings
after all the lies being nailed down against him,
this time he has more faith and about to give
more successful stories for the youth to follow,
who wants to take up entrepreneurship as a
career. This time he wants to focus on a
mentoring role and help youngsters with
innovative ideas and to live their
entrepreneurship dreams by providing them a
platform for globalization and scaling up of
their ventures.
Source Nurturing young Talent Jignesh Shah
4When I set up exchanges and launched different
products, I was creating and innovating for a
very elite class in financial markets. Today, I
want to create something for the masses.He said
he wants to be a coach now and nurture young
entrepreneurs by putting his entire life
experience. He said
Source Nurturing young Talent Jignesh Shah
5I created and nurtured a business that made
India the worlds second largest marketplace in
commodities trading and we were on the top in all
businesses our exchanges did and this feat was
achieved in a political environment that was not
very conducive, Jignesh Shah said.
Source Nurturing young Talent Jignesh Shah
6Apart from mentoring youngsters, Jignesh Shah is
also very keen and interested in applying science
to the Agricultural sector he said he is also
very passionate about the agriculture sector and
talks about applying the latest technology to the
Source Nurturing young Talent Jignesh Shah
7Since the dependency on agriculture is huge in
India so applying latest science to it will
generate more benefits for the farmers and hence
more employment opportunities too and additional
prosperity in this sector can be a game changer,
only a marvellous entrepreneur like Jignesh shah
can come up with this brilliant idea.
Source Nurturing young Talent Jignesh Shah