Title: Pketu (19)
1What is laser teeth whitening?
- You must have noticed that the growing popularity
these days is laser teeth whitening. Everyone
wants a wide white smile that shines up the room.
A lot of people are even super conscious about
their smiles. But at the same time, yellow teeth
are also an issue most people face. - There are various methods and treatments
available out there such as whitening strips,
charcoal powder, in-office procedures, whitening
trays, etc. But, Laser teeth whitening products
top the chart. It is quick and super effective.
Anyone can book an appointment and get their
teeth sparkling white in just a matter of
minutes. -
- Tooth whitening can be done in many ways. There
are a lot of LED teeth whitening products
available in the market as well. So, if you wish
to opt for it, choose your preferred method. For
now, we will be discussing Laser teeth whitening
2Heres how it goes -
- Bleach is applied to each and every tooth.
- Then, laser heat is applied to boost the
effectiveness of that bleach. - The bleaching gel used in laser teeth whitening
is very strong and it gets activated with the
laser. So patients get instant results
post-treatment. If you wish to know more, keep
reading this article to unravel more things about
Led teeth whitening.
Benefits of Laser teeth whitening -
It is an easy procedure that is non-invasive as
well. This treatment is easily accessible and
therefore widely preferred by everyone. It is a
fully painless procedure that doesn't even need
any needles. You have the choice of doing the
procedure on every tooth or just a few stained
ones. It is very effective in eliminating hard
stains that many treatments fail to do. Most
cases take even less than one hour for this
treatment. So, if you are in a hurry to get your
teeth sparkled but in an effective way, you
should opt for this procedure.
3How to maintain that white smile post-treatment
for a longer period?
- This option/treatment uses a laser to whiten your
teeth. How? - Well, it facilitates the chemical
reaction of whitening the teeth so that a patient
acquires his/her desired results within a few
sessions. - The results of this treatment can last from
anywhere between 6 to 24 months. -
- The bleach is actually a hydrogen peroxide gel
with a concentration level of 25 to 40 percent.
(reports by ADA) Now, these are some high levels
of concentration. So, various precautions and
care are taken. Your lips, gums, tongue, etc. are
taken special care of during the treatment.
Well, you must watch what you eat as your
whitened teeth might get stained. Foods and
beverages like coffee, cola, red wine, tobacco,
tea, dishes containing turmeric, etc tend to
stain your teeth. Plus, most of them are not good
for your body anyway. You must practice regular
oral hygiene post your Laser teeth whitening
treatment very strictly. Otherwise, all your
efforts, time, and money might go in vain. So
make sure you do that along with regular dental
cleaning appointments at your dentist. All this
will help you pose in your new smile for a longer