Title: What is DevOps?
1What is DevOps?
2What is DevOps?
- DevOps is a framework, a set of tools and
practices for automating and integrating software
development and IT teams. - Team empowerment, communication and collaboration
between teams and technology automation stand
out. - The DevOps movement began in 2007 when members of
the IT operations and software development
communities expressed dissatisfaction with the
traditional software development model, which
separated the developers who wrote code from the
operations that implemented and supported it. - The term DevOps refers to the process of
combining development and operations into a
single continuous process.
3How does DevOps work?
- A DevOps team includes both the developers,
tester and other IT operations who work together
throughout the product lifecycle to increase the
speed and quality of software implementation. - Its a new and efficient way of working that has
significant implications for the teams and
organizations they work for. - In this model development and other operations,
teams are no longer isolated. These two teams
can also be merged into a single team where
engineers will work throughout the application
lifecycle (development testing implementation
4- DevOps teams use process automation tools to help
increase reliability. Its toolchain helps teams
address the important foundations, including
Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery,
Automation, and Collaboration. - DevOps settings are sometimes applied to
non-development teams. Security becomes an active
and integrated part of the development process as
security teams adopt a DevOps approach. This is
known as DevSecOps. - DevOps is a continuous process, the infinite loop
used by professionals to illustrate how the
various phases of the lifecycle interact. The
cycle represents the need for iterative
improvement and continuous collaboration
throughout the life cycle.
- The DevOps lifecycle consists of six phases that
represent the processes, capabilities, and tools
required for development - Plan
- Build
- Continuous Integration and Deployment
- Monitor
- Operate
- Continuous Feedback
- At each phase, teams work together and
communicate to maintain speed, efficiency
alignment, speed, quality and to increase
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