Title: Face Yoga For Cheekbones | Faceyoga.com
2Getting perfect cheekbones is like a dream to
many people but very few people have it by birth.
Some are more possessive to make it naturally or
by taking some medicines or undergoing plastic
surgeries just to look good. Many people wanted
to get a slim face along with high cheekbones.
These surgical techniques are often routes for
the actors and actresses for getting the sharp
face physique. It also depends upon the growth
of the body under which the fat of the body and
the muscle changes their state. So let get it
with Face Yoga for cheekbones.
31. Fish Face - Suck your cheeks just like a fish
and hold your lips tight. Try to smile with this
posture of your face hold it for 6-8 seconds.
Repeat it three to four times. 2. Cheek Puff -
Fill your mouth by inhaling the air and then
start puffing your cheeks one after the other
side. Exhale the air out of your mouth and repeat
this as many times as you can.
43. Smile - Start smiling as wide as possible
imagining that your smile is touching your ears
and also make sure you opened your eyes to the
fullest. Hold this posture of your face for 10
seconds and repeat this 10 times. 4. X and O -
First form a small O with your lips and see
like you are pronouncing the letter O using
your entire face. Then use your face reciting the
word X and making your face stretch something
like a smile.
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