Title: IMAP Backup
Mail Backup X is the best solution for backup
IMAP emails
- Here is how you can use an advanced IMAP backup
tool to backup IMAP emails - If you dont know how to backup IMAP emails,
dont worry. Mail backup X by InventPure is a
professional IMAP backup tool that you can use to
backup and restore IMAP emails.
2Step by step guide to backup IMAP on mac Launch
Mail backup X tool and click on Set up a new
backup profile .
3Now you are at the next window where you can see
different email services. Click on Email server.
4Now you are the next window. Here you can clearly
see the IMAP server option. Click on it.
5The tool now asks you to enter your credentials.
Enter the email ID and password and click on
login. Make sure you have enabled IMAP feature in
your email service.
6The tool will automatically scan all files and
folders in your mailbox. You can choose the
folders you want to backup and click on continue
to go ahead with the process.
7The next window is the advanced setting window
where you can modify your backup according to
your preference.
- You can select how frequently you want your
emails to be backed up. - You can select the location where you want to
store emails between online and offline storage. - Set up a USB drive to use it as a storage for
your portable snapshot copy of the local backup. - You can name your backup profile according to
preference - You can also set up double layer encryption to
preserve your email mailboxes from any
unauthorized access - Once modified, click on save to start the backup
8Modify your backup according to personalized
9Buy Now
- You backup process is now started and you can
even track the progress of the backup as it
happens. You can also download the detailed log
report of the process. - To download the free trial of Mail backup X, go
to https//www.mailbackupx.com/imap-backup-tool/ - https//download.cnet.com/Mail-Backup-X/3000-2369_
4-76475688.html - https//www.macupdate.com/app/mac/56294/mail-backu