Title: Solulever (2)
1Deloitte in an interview with Solulever Currently,
the world has more than 400 companies that
provide Industry 4.0 platforms to various
organizations to help manufacturers embark on the
digital transformation journey. Solulever, a
Dutch Technology Start-up is one such prominent
name in this field. The company unleashes some of
its most striking solutions and ambitions, in an
interview with Deloitte. When asked about the
companys background, Jitesh Kohli (CEO) and
Rajat Sabharwal (CTO) mention that Solulever is
all about making smart manufacturing an easy
process for the traditional manufacturers,
irrespective of the size of their business. The
company provides top industrial connectivity to
some of the most complex and extensive factories
through Brabo Edge Platform, which is a
manufacturing connectivity and intelligence
platform. The solution is a platform of platform
that provides OT-IT connectivity with its
flexible, ecosystem play, ease of adoption, open
architecture, and scalable design. As the system
sits on the edge (as well as on the cloud), real
time data is retrieved, normalized, and processed
for crucial data analysis, which helps in
building efficient and high-performance
systems. Brabo aims to reduce the TCO for the
manufacturers and also reduces the need for
integrating middleware and other essential
components in order to bank upon the benefits of
digital transformation. Using a single
comprehensive solution that is tailor made to
suit business requirements of different types,
companies can have limitless capabilities for
their enterprise. To know more about the
companys sales approach, future ambitions, and
how it manages to capture a large audience
through its innovative solution, visit the
Solulever website!