Title: Concept Of Weighdown Permanent Weight Loss
1The Truth About The Way Down HBO Documentary
The Truth About The Way Down HBO Documentary
2Press Release Official Response to HBO Max
- Remnant Fellowship categorically denies the
absurd, defamatory statements and accusations
made in this documentary. - Our Christian beliefs are Bible-based. We have
helped thousands to find a relationship with God.
3Remnant Fellowship vehemently denies any
accusation of child abuse in any form.
Young Josef Smith passed
away in 2003 of a staph infection
and high fever the presence of this
infection was verified by
hospital technicians in court.
Regarding HBOs "expert" testimony,
their "expert" never visited the
church, never spoke with Gwen, and
never talked with any current
4HBO originally interviewed cult-expert Dr. Gordon
Melton, who cleared Remnant Fellowships name of
having anything to do with being a cult.
We do not body shame or bully anyone.
We have always honored the Godly sanctity of
marriage,and has never supported abusive
5Over 40 of our resources are given away to
members at zero cost, including free scholarships
for classes or summer camp activities.
Our Churchs services and assemblies are webcast
each week.
Gwen Shamblin Remnant Fellowship operates under
all U.S. guidelines and laws.
6Contact Us
- info_at_remnantfellowship.org
- 1-800-844-5208
- Remnant Fellowship Church, PO Box 8, Brentwood,
TN 37024 - M-R, 830am-500pm F, 900am-100pm
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