Title: 7 Most Common Causes Of Drywall Damage
27 Most Common Causes Of Drywall Damage
3Have you ever noticed any kind of holes and
scuffs in your walls? Thinking about how they
arrived? Well, there are many reasons that can
damage your drywall. Some of which you should
think about prior to moving that additional
large couch upstairs. Whether its water damage,
cracks, nail pops, or damage from previous
renovations, here are the 7 most common causes of
drywall damage. Read this entire blog and find
out how you can repair your drywall.
4Popping Nails
When nails are not properly set in the center of
the stud, after some time the nail heads can pop
through the drywall and causes weird circles in
your good-painted walls. Dont use the hammer and
try to nail it back otherwise the nail could
ultimately come out again and as a result, your
drywall is damaged. Tip To fix this problem, all
you have to do is just find out where the stud
is, then nail it through in a marginally unique
point. Make sure that you did this in the right
5Furniture Scuffs
Scuff marks from the furniture are another type
of drywall damage that you may find when moving
your furniture into your house. Make sure that
your furniture is not too close to your wall. If
you see any kind of pencil or marker stain on
your drywall, the problem is not too big. You
may easily remove the stain with the help of a
cleaning sponge.
Holes can be caused by various things such as if
the door that swings open excessively hard. If
you are facing this kind of issue you need to
buy an adhesive backing plate. Use this adhesive
backing plate that will protect the wall from
future drywall damage. Tip If you want to
disappear a small hole from your drywall, you
just need to use a joint compound and patch over
it. Dont forget to use the drywall tape to
cover the hole properly. Let it dry and then
clean with a wipe. Now you have to paint this
with the same color so there is no hint of
damage left behind.
7Water Damage
Many homeowners are facing this kind of issue and
that is water damage. This is the first thing
you have to focus on and fix this issue as soon
as possible. After that, its time to fix the
water-damaged drywall. You cannot ignore this
type of situation yet you can minimize the
chances of it happening again in the future. Just
check out all the water pipes in your home and
make sure that they are working fine.
Dont ignore a little crack on your drywall
otherwise, it can turn into a major issue.
Usually, cracks can be found in those areas where
there is a lot of moisture. Keeping away from
this issue implies inspecting your rooftop and
the plumbing inside your home. The other reason
behind cracking on your drywall is poorly
installed drywall. Tip To solve this issue, you
need to fix the current cracks by fixing over
them with a joint compound.
9Tile Removal Damage
Another most common damage is tile removal. When
you remove tile from your bathroom it needs a
lot of care otherwise it can cause drywall
damage. To hold this back from happening utilize
a wide- cutting edge clay blade or break the
tiles first before removing them with
exceptional devices. You can also use a heat gun
for this process. Tip Remove all damaged area
with the help of utility knife and then apply a
drywall compound. Let it dry properly and then
paint where it is required.
10Termite Damage
The last one on the list is termite damage. This
type of damage totally depends upon how soon you
figure out to detect them the indications of
damage can go from almost invisible to painfully
obvious. Some of the few indications of termite
harm are small pinholes, paint bubbling,
crumbling baseboards, and a weird sound when
knocking on the wall. Keep away from this type
of damage by getting your house inspected
completely and call a pest prevention company at
the main trace of the bugs. Just in case if the
damage has not affected the structural foundation
of your home, then you can easily fix drywall.
All you need to remove baseboards if its
required and cut out the damaged drywall
altogether. Switch up with new drywall and
smooth the surface with joint compound. For
better results, let them dry properly.
11Have Drywall Damage?
When it comes to repairing your drywall damage,
its always a good idea to have a professional
team to help you. Sometimes damage can create
huge problems that cannot be fixed by yourself.
For that, you need to take services from the best
drywall contractor in Vancouver.
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