Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj University - [CSMU], Mumbai - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj University - [CSMU], Mumbai


Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Mumbai is a private university. It was established under the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj University Act 2008. It is located in Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra. The university is recognized by UGC and govt. of Maharashtra. Chhatrapati Shivaji University provides various UG, PG, Ph.D. and Diploma courses in various disciplines such as Engineering, Architecture, Design, Management, Law, Humanities, Commerce, Science, Life Science and Art. CSMU offers scholarships & financial assistance schemes to deserving students. CSMU also partners with Axis bank, Bajaj and Airtel with over 250+ companies, some of these companies offers a package of 8lakhs with guarantee of 70% placement offers. The university are offered some facilities like cafeteria, Gymnasium, Library, Auditorium, Transport facilities and Hostel. Read more:- – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj University - [CSMU], Mumbai

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj University
  • About University
  • Important Facts and Figures
  • History
  • Courses Offered
  • Scholarships
  • Infrastructure
  • FAQ

Table of Content
Located on th? outskirts of Navi Mumbai, CSMU
also th? Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Univ?rsity
is a privat? institution ?stablish?d in
2018.?stablish?d with a vision and Mission to
impart quality ?ducation in all sph?r?s of high
l?arning in India. This Univ?rsity ?volv?s to
cr?at? graduat?s who can l?ad ah?ad in all walks
of lif? to mak? incr?dibl? contributions to
soci?ty and imbibing in th?m moral valu?s.
Holistic d?v?lopm?nt is a k?y at CSMU. Cr?ating a
coop?rativ? and h?althy ?nvironm?nt with a
prof?ssional attitud? to bring out th? b?st in
th? stud?nt to fac? th? cut-throat global
comp?tition is th? goal.
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Univ?rsity
Year of Establishment 2008
University Address Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
Chancellor Dr. Keshav Badaya
University Type Private University
Approved By UGC
Admission Criteria Entrance-based/Merit-based
Degree Offered UG, PG, Ph.D and Diploma
Mode of Education Online, Offline and Distance education
  • In th? y?ar 2008 und?r th? Chhatrapati Shivaji
    Univ?rsity Act this Univ?rsity was ?stablish?d.
    This act was to provid? for th? ?stablishm?nt,
    incorporation, and r?gulation of CSMU univ?rsity
    for th? d?v?lopm?nt and ?nhanc?m?nt of high?r
    ?ducation in Maharashtra.

  • Bach?lor of T?chnology(B.T?ch) Bas?d on J?? Main
    and CUC?T CSMU off?rs Ch?mical, Civil,
    Biot?chnology, Comput?r Sci?nc?, ?l?ctrical,
    ?l?ctronics and Communication, M?chanical,
    M?chatronics and IT ?ngin??ring.
  • Bach?lor of Sci?nc?B.Sc This 3-y?ar cours?
    provid?s around 18 str?ams with a f??s of 30,000
    for its first y?ar.
  • Mast?r of Busin?ss Administration(MBA) Mast?rs
    cours?s at Chhatrapati Shivaji Univ?rsity, as a
    matt?r of fact, ar? also r?cogniz?d for th?ir
    compr?h?nsiv? l?v?l of ?ducation. It provid?s
    2-y?ar cours?s in, Fashion D?sign Manag?m?nt,
    Financ?, IT, Mark?ting, Human R?sourc? and Film
  • Bach?lor in Arts(BA) A full tim? 3-y?ar cours?
    off?ring 11 str?ams such as Hindi, History,
    Political Sci?nc?, Psychology ?tc with a first
    y?ar f??s of 46,000 INR.
  • Bach?lor of Sci?nc?B.ScHons With a f?? of
    56,000 INR, this institut? off?rs 11 str?ams.

  • Some scholarships includ? programm? f?? waiv?r to
    m?ritorious stud?nts award?d bas?d on th?ir m?rit
    in th? qualifying ?xam for admission to th?
    Diploma, Und?rgraduat? and Postgraduat?
    programm?s of th? Univ?rsity.
  • Programm? f?? waiv?r for th? wards of fr??dom
    fight?rs and d?f?nc? p?rsonn?l 25 conc?ssion in
    programm? f??s may b? giv?n to Son/Daught?r or
    Grandson/ Granddaught?r of Fr??dom Fight?rs. 25
    conc?ssion in programm? f??s may b? giv?n to
    Son/Daught?r of Arm?d Forc?s/ Para-Military
    Forc?s/Polic? Forc? P?rsonn?l. This f??
    conc?ssion continu?s throughout th? programm?.
  • Scholarship for stud?nts from minority
    communiti?s, 20 programm? f?? waiv?r may b?
    giv?n to th? stud?nts from fields such as Muslim,
    Christian, Sikh, Parsi, Buddhist, Jain and
    Marwari Communiti?s. Moreover This f?? conc?ssion
    continu?s throughout th? programm?.
  • Scholarship for sc/st/obc/ovj/?ws/s?bc cat?gori?s
    wh?r? 20 programm? f?? waiv?r may b? giv?n to
    th? stud?nts SC and ST Cat?gori?s.15 programm?
    f?? waiv?r may b? giv?n to th? stud?nts OBC and
    also OVJ Categories. 10 programm? f?? waiv?r may
    b? giv?n to th? stud?nts ?WS and S?BC cat?gori?s

Gymnasium Th? gymnasium at CSMU, can accommodat?
up to 150 to 200 stud?nts at a tim?. To giv?
?qual spac? and privacy th?r? is s?parat?
c?ntrally air-condition?d gyms for boys and
girls. Caf?t?ria Campus caf?t?ria, dish?s out
combo m?als and snacks cat?ring to vari?d tast?s.
Th? quality of th? mat?rial s?rv?d is strictly
monitor?d and h?nc? stud?nts and faculty ar? at
no harm. Library Consid?r?d th? h?art of an
acad?mic organization , CSMU r?cognis?s its n??d
and provid?s an acad?mic ambi?nc? at its c?ntral
library. This fully automat?d library holding up
to 250 p?opl? is hous?d in a diff?r?nt building
having a spacious r?ading room and an
air-condition?d r?f?r?nc? s?ction.
Auditorium Th? Univ?rsity also has a larg?,
spacious multi stori?d auditorium to conduct
various cultural programs, comp?titions,
auditions, and oth?r activiti?s. Transport
Faciliti?s Th? univ?rsity also has its own fl??t
of Bus?s, Vans and Cars for conv?yanc? of staff
and stud?nts from all ar?as and coloni?s of th?
city. In addition, city bus facility is
availabl?. Th? univ?rsity certainly provid?s
transport to stud?nts for Bus Stand/ Railway
Station during vacations. Host?l Th? Host?l
facility in Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
Univ?rsity is certainly a purpos?-built
accommodation to provid? stud?nts with
sophisticat?d and comfortabl? housing in th?ir
univ?rsity y?ars. To summariz?, CSMU univ?rsity
has good infrastructur? with n?wly built
buildings, laboratori?s, synth?tic athl?tic
grounds, a t?nnis court,  along with ?xc?ll?nt
host?l faciliti?s which ar? a lot b?tt?r than
oth?r privat? institutions. Training and
Plac?m?nt C?ll Plac?m?nt c?ll of th? CSMU
certainly holds th? r?sponsibility of ov?rs??ing
th? annual plac?m?nt ?x?rcis? by matching stud?nt
?xc?ll?nc? with industry ?xp?ctations. CSMU also
partn?rs with axis bank, badv? group, bajaj
fins?rv and airt?l. With ov?r 250 compani?s, 50
off?r a packag? of mor? than 8 Lakhs with a
guarant?? of 73 plac?m?nt off?rs.
FAQ Q1.Wh?r? is Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
Univ?rsity locat?d? It is suit?d in Navi Mumbai,
th? ?ducational hub of Maharashtra. ?xact
location for this univ?rsity is n?ar Sh?dung Toll
Plaza, Old Mumbai-Pun? Highway, Panv?l, Navi
Mumbai, Maharashtra - 410206   Q2.Wh?n
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Univ?rsity got
?stablish?d? It got ?stablish?d und?r th?
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Act in 2008.   Q3.Is
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Univ?rsity
accr?dit?d? This univ?rsity is officially
r?cogniz?d by th? Univ?rsity Grants Commission of
India, and also has approval of Th? Council of
Archit?ctur?, Pharmacy Council of India and Th?
Bar Council of India. Q4.What is th? mod? of
?ducation in Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
Univ?rsity? Mod? of ?ducation is full tim? and
also on campus.
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