Title: Enzo Dalmazzo - Successful Entrepreneur
1Enzo Dalmazzo
Successful Entrepreneur
2Founder and Former CEO of 3Z Telecom
Enzo Dalmazzo is the founder and former CEO of 3Z
Telecom, the world's largest manufacturer of
telecom antennas.
3A Real Estate Investor
Now a real estate investor, Enzo enjoys spending
time with his family, including dinners at home
and listening to The Tim Ferris Show.
4Hardworking Entrepreneur
Enzo Dalmazzo is a hardworking entrepreneur and
tech professional who is focusing on real estate
investment after selling his telecom business for
a substantial profit.
5A Dedicated Family Man
He's a dedicated family man and has life goals of
raising his two sons to be intelligent, kind, and
6For More Information Visit At
7Enzo Dalmazzo