Title: sandeep kaur
1Welcome to Micro Wave Computer Institute
EMAIL SUPPORT info_at_microwavecomputer.com
LOCATIONSCF 22, Ist Floor, GTB Market, Khanna
2Web Designing Course
- What is Web Designing ?
- Importance of web Designing ?
- Best Institute for get the Web Designing Course?
3Web Designing for a programming future
4What is Web Designing?
Web design refers to the design of layout ,
Appearance and some Content websites that are
displayed on the internet.
5Importance of Web Designing?
Web design is way to put your ideas, business and
products at online platform , a well designing
websites help to grow your business at social
media platform.
6Web Designing Course in khanna
- We furnish the Web Designing Course in khanna ,If
you want to learn join Micro Wave Computer
Institute here you can take best web designing
Course in khanna.
7Thank you for watching
by Sandeep kaur