Title: Diesel Engine Cylinder Liner Study
- PPT - 6
- S K Mukherjee,
- Faculty IMU Kolkata Campus.
2CYL LINERSLubrication
- Why Liners (2-St 4-St) need lubrication
- To separate sliding surfaces with an oil film.
- To form an effective seal between ring liner.
- To neutralize acidic combustion products.
- To soften carbon deposits reduce abrasion.
- To clean comb deposits in grooves walls.
- To cool hot surfaces and avoid burning.
- General requirements of Cyl oil
- Must have required Alkalinity, (Base Nr.)
- Must withstand temperature variations.
- Requirement of higher viscosity (SAE-50)
- Must have detergency.
- Must be able to resist Oxidation.
- Base Nr-70 means 70mg alkali per gm of oil.
The alkali is usually KOH or CaCO3
4CYL LINERS.wear limits
- Dependant on Manufacturers recommendations.Limitat
ions to liner wear (2-st Engines) - Wear down 0.6 0.8 of Dia. (ext Max 1)
- Admissible wear rate 0.05-0.15mm/1000Hr. (varies
with dia, see chart) - Life of liner 6 to 7 years _at_ 6000hrs/Year.
- Usually 40K running hours. (ext max 50K)
5Cyl Lub.Liner WEAR limits.
6Cylinder Lubrication....process
- Has critical effect on good engine operation.
- Significant bearing on oil consumption
operating costs. - Dependant on
- i) Load, and sulphur content in the fuel oil.
- ii) Bore, Stroke, piston speed, cyl temp, type
- of engine, location of quills, type of
fuel. - iii) ideally delivered near piston reversal
points. - iv) Injected between top two rings during
- upward stroke of the piston
7Cylinder Lubrication.timing
8CYL Lubrquill location pts.
- Position of quills delivery holes location
- Not to be located at very high temp zone lest the
oil burns out easily. - Not to be located near ports to avoid being blown
out or scraped into (scav manifold) - There must be adequate nr. Equally spaced holes
for complete coverage of wall surface. - Means to distribute.oil grooves to be provided.
9CYL LubricationCloverleafing
- This corrosive wear down is caused due to lower
alkalinity of cyl oil. - Alkali gets depleted before full liner wall
coverage with the oil. - Corrosive wear takes place between inj. Points
- Causes blow past of comb gases liner failure
- Alkalinity level must be accurate. Too much, or
too little are both damaging.
10CYL LinerCloverleafing
11CYL Lubsystems/methods.
- Traditional
- i) Timed Lubrication (MAN-BW)
- ii) Accumulator Lubrication (wartsila/sulzer)
- Modern Systems
- i) Alpha Lubrication (AACC)MAN-BW
- ii) Pulse Lubrication (Wartsila)
- SIP swirl Injection Process (CIMAC)
- The traditional systems are mechanical.
- The modern systems are computerized, technically
advanced give better economy.
12CYL Lubrsystems
13CYL Lubrsystems/methods
- Traditional, timed and accumulator systems inject
oil through mechanical lubricator units having
small reciprocating pumps(for each quill),
through gear/engine drive and ratchet mechanism. - Purpose of timed lubrication is to deliver oil
at specific time in relation to piston movement
during upward stroke.
14CYL Lubrtraditional systems
- Quantity delivered in the timed lubrication
system factors - i) (MEP/BHP) ie Load dependant regulation.
- ii) Sulphur content in fuel.
- iii) LCD (Load change dependant) Increased
lubrication at manoeuvring, engine stop and
start, works as a kind of conservation and
15Cyl LubrAccumulator syst.
16Cyl LubrAccumulator syst..
- The accumulator stores potential energy by
compressing a spring to exert force against a
relatively incompressible fluid. The
accumulator can use a smaller fluid pump because
it stores energy in periods of low power demand.
The energy is available for an instantaneous use
and released at a rate many times greater than a
pump alone could supply. If the supply tube is
kept under sufficient pressure by the counter
pressure in the non-return valve, the desired
injection timing is achieved.
17CYL LubrModern systems
- Objectives
- i) To achieve better timing of delivery.
- ii) To deliver optimum quantity at all loads.
- iii) To reduce operating costs.
- Alpha Lubr System (MAN-BW)
- Also called Alpha Adaptive Cyl oil Control
- AACC. The ACC factor is the determining factor in
the feed rate equation Feed rate  ACC factorÂ
sulphur. - This Algorithms is used to control cyl oil dosage.
- An ALGORITHM is programmed in a computer and
processes a self contained sequence of actions
that are to be performed. - Algorithms can perform calculations, data
processing and reasoning tasks to give end
results instantaneously. - The AACC injects a specific vol of oil every
2/3/4 or 5 revolutions of the engine. - Controlled by MCU which calculates inj freq on
basis of rpm by tacho-gen fuel index.
19CYL LubrAACC principle
20CYL LubrAACC principle
- The Computer synchronizes itself with No.1 unit
of engine when at TDC. - Injection function controlled by MCU by sending
on/off signal to solenoid v/v. - After short duration off signal sent to
solenoid v/v to shut system pressure open
return oil. - Pump stn delivers oil to lubricators at 45bar.
- Power to inject oil comes from 45bar syst pr
acting on larger piston (moved by solenoid) - Similar to Common Rail fuel injection in Engines.
21CYL LubrAACC principle
22CYL Lubr.AACC principle
23CYL Lubr..AACC principle
- Pump stn has 2-Pps one operating while other on
auto st by duty. - MCU receives rpm, load index, lubricator piston
position feedback signals. - In the event of fault, sends alarm slow down
action for engine. - Injection is intermittantevery 2/3/4/ or 5 rev.
- Actual dosage computer determined based on
24CYL LubrAACC Lubricator
25CYL Lubr.AACC working
- A single lubricator has 5/6 plungers, driven by a
single hydraulic piston. - Hydraulic pr is controlled by the solenoid.
- Piston movement monitored by feedback sensor to
confirm function and relay signal to
automatically adjust injection timing. - Set timing starts oil injection before 1st ring
passes oil quill and ends just after last ring
passes the quill.
26CYL LubrAACC oil pr compared
27CYL LubrAACC working
- Piston rings are like scrapers. Above top ring
oil is burnt out. Below bottom ring is scraped to
under piston spaces. - Oil between rings provide the reqd lubrication
- Oil consumption AACC 0.7g/BHP/hr
- Used in Intelligent Engine concept with
intermittant delivery. - It has sulphur algorithm inbuilt into system.
28CYL LubrPULSE Lubrication.
- System used by WARTSILA sulzer engines
- Pulse system is similar to the Alpha unit as both
have electronic computer controlled functions.
(Has Pulse Jet, Pulse Feed systs) - In the Pulse system,the dosage pump is the
central component which delivers a metered
quantity oil as reqd., and based on principal
factors of load index and Sulphur content in
fuel. - Objective Reduce operational costs.
- It has the CL-4, CL-5, CL-6 variations
29CYL Lubr.Pulse Lubrication
30CYL Lubr.Pulse lubrication
31Cyl lubrPulse lubrication working
- WECS on signal, opens solenoid v/v to pass servo
oil. This presses C-Piston to inject oil. - Slanted groove delivers oil sideways.
- After injection, narrow passage in piston allows
refill of duct storage with metered qty. - This ensures WECS calculated dosage in duct as
per sulphur content and load index. - Servo oil circuit is separate, and a common rail
32Cyl LubrPulse Lubrication
33CYL LubrPulse lub..working
- WECS-Wartsila Engine Control System is used
- Normally has 8 quills on liner in single row.
- Oil from tank through 40micron filter to Pump
- Quills have storage space for metered qty oil.
- Metered qty can be changed by Central Piston
positioning in quill. (diagram) - Crank angle sensors send signal to control unit
- High pr (200bar) servo oil reduced to 50bar
- Reduced oil pr delivered to Dosage pump.
- This principle is not based on timing or quantity
dosing against load index. - It is based on how effectively the oil is
distributed to give good circumferential
distribution and adequate (alkaline) oil film
with as least quantity, as possible. - It is made possible to inject a spray of droplets
tangentially to cyl liner wall. Piston movement
helps spread vertically. (diag)
35CYL LubrSIP (Swirl Inj Principle)
36CYL Liner Calibration
- Cylinder liners of 2-St engines are gauged at
6000 to 8000 hrs. (modern engines 18000) - Inspection carried out immediately after piston
removal (without cleaning of surfaces/parts) - Scrutiny of following areas important
- i) Surface cracks on combustion belt.
- ii) Hard rubbing points on surface.
- iii) Ridge formation at top ring terminus.
- iv) Blockage of lube oil quills.
37CYL Liner Calibration
- v) Sharp edges at port walls.
- vi) Cracks on bars at scav/exh ports.
- vii) Accumulation of carbon at scav ports.
- Inferences may be drawn on above observations.
- Liners are gauged with an inside micrometer
calibrated against a master gauge. - The temperature of liner need be the same as
during previous readings.
38CYL Liner.defects to observe
39CYL Liner Calibration
- Micrometer and extension bars kept on liner to
reach same temperature. - Readings taken at a nr of vertical points.
- A template is used to ensure same points of
measurement as previous. - Readings taken in P-S F-A directions.
- Readings are tabulated to compare previous
records and check wear down.
40CYL Liner wearcalibration
41Cyl Liner wearTabulation
42CYL Liner wear.
- How wear rate of liner obtained
- Wear rate since last record
- increase in dia since last record x 1000
- running hrs since last record
- Wear rate since new
- total increase in diameter x 1000
- total running hours since new
43CYL Liner wear..graph
44CYL Liner wear
- S K Mukherjee
- IMU Kolkata Campus