Title: boujeeboutiques
1Published By boujeeboutiques
2Boujeeboutiques I began my retail career as a
20-year-old single mom working as an hourly
associate at Walmart. I stayed with the company
for almost 15 years, working my butt off to rise
through the ranks. When I finally parted ways
with Walmart, I was a Supercenter store
manager. I then went to work for Dicks Sporting
Goods, and that's where I met Brent, the man who
would become my husband! When I was 43, I
decided that I wanted to have another baby with
Brent (who was 66!) (I already had three
daughters by this time). A two-year battle with
infertility (and a miscarriage) followed, but we
were finally blessed with our beautiful daughter,
Tasilyn, who is now a busy 2-year-old. Sezzle
3Thank You