Title: Four Reasons Why Your Website Needs To Be Mobile-Friendly
1Four Reasons Why Your Website Needs To Be
2Have a website? Great. But is it mobile-friendly?
In today's highly competitive marketplace, a
responsive website is no longer enough. You need
a website that's been built from the ground up to
work for phones. If you've got a responsive
website (which is great), it will help your
business. Mobile-first is an approach to
designing websites that focuses solely on how the
site looks on mobile devices and not desktops.
It's a more streamlined, focused process where
the goal is for the site to work well on all
devices, rather than pleasing everyone with a
good desktop experience and a mediocre mobile
one. And guess what? 53 of the websites you
see are viewed on mobile. Therefore, if you
aren't sure of your website's friendliness, get
in touch with custom web design Melbourne
Phone 03 8752 1302 digiwhiz.com.au
3- Why do you need a mobile-friendly website?
- Improves website's SEO
- Studies show that if your site is optimised for
mobile viewing, there is a higher chance of
ranking well on local and global search engines.
Plus, audiences are likely to spend more time. - Google's algorithm provides a high ranking to
sites that are mobile responsive. If you want
more search traffic for your keywords, make sure
you have a mobile-responsive site.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is an important
part of your website. It will help potential
visitors find your website, thus increasing your
Phone 03 8752 1302 digiwhiz.com.au
4- Better user experience
- Your website is the front door of your business.
Your visitors will be looking at it before they
come in the door and when they leave. When
visitors land on a site that is cluttered,
difficult to use and unattractive, they will
leave fast. - Mobile-friendly websites are designed to fit any
screen size. This means that a customer can visit
your site on a smartphone, tablet, desktop
computer, or any other device. It's also
automated, which means you don't have to jump
through hoops to make sure it works. You just
have to make the original website
mobile-friendly, and it will automatically fit
any screen size.
Phone 03 8752 1302 digiwhiz.com.au
5- Friendly Devices
- Consistency is key when designing mobile-first.
That means it needs to work on all devices,
regardless of screen size or operating system. - Faster Website Load Speed
- Stop losing potential clients because of a
loading problem. It's easy to make your website
faster by working with our experts and building a
responsive mobile-first website.
Phone 03 8752 1302 digiwhiz.com.au
6Conclusion A web design company in Melbourne will
convert your website into a smartphone-friendly
version of your website to reach your audience on
their mobile devices. One way to give your
customers an even better experience when using
your website is by making your website
mobile-friendly. This allows them to enjoy a
better browsing experience or what device they're
using, no matter where they are. Besides helping
with search rankings, being more mobile-friendly
can boost conversion rates too.
Phone 03 8752 1302 digiwhiz.com.au
7Thank You
Original Source https//everydayblogs.com.au/fo
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