Title: Answering Noise Issues Elegantly And Effectively - Miracle Electronics
1Power quality, or the purity of AC power, highly
affects the operation of sensitive electronics.
There are many power quality factors that can
affect the equipment performance, one of them
being Power Factor the ratio between true power
and apparent power, which is generally 11. A
lower power factor means that the efficiency of
the equipment power supply will be affected.
Have you ever wondered why studio owners state
that their equipment sound better at night?
Thats because there is heavy commercial use of
the power system during the day, and a poor
power factor. How do power and sound
relate? Every audio signal circuit generates a
certain noise or hum, and also possible are
different sorts of sonic qualities in the noise.
Low levels of noise create IM distortion in
program material, which causes loss of imaging,
and compromise of signal accuracy across the
entire audio bandwidth. This issue has been going
on for a long time without anything being able
to directly address the cause of the problem.
Every possible remedy like ground lifts,
capacitors, and much more have only proven to be
temporary fixes. But, theres one solution that
has proven its capability balanced power.
Balanced power is a properly designed source of
EMF for electronics.
2- The issues resolved by balanced power
- The most common problems encountered in audio
sensitive equipment include - The more equipment involved, the more reactive
currents will be present. - The more channels mixed, the more background
noise will be present. - Some equipment is more sensitive to noise than
others. - With all of this, its difficult to predict every
problem instantly. However, one power solution
balanced power is what can resolve each of
them. Balanced AC is today recognized as an
approved wiring method in the 1996 National
Electrical Code, Article 530 Part G. - Whats the future of balanced power?
- AC harmonics and grounding currents have invaded
almost every branch of modern technology in the
Power Quality industry. However, the impact that
balanced power will have in sophisticated
applications across the board is yet to be
completely realized. But, we still believe that
balanced power is overall an effective solution.
It is a solid foundation for sensitive
equipment. People are using conventional AC just
because that is how things have been done for
almost a century of years now, but this is
something thats not too good. Change is
essential and the performance from equipment by
using balanced power can be quite astonishing!
Doing anything without any noise issues is
certainly a luxury, for which balanced power can
be a huge help. - Where can you get balance power supply from?
- When youre looking for a good balanced studio
power supply in India for your audio systems,
Miracle Electronics is who you need to approach.
Were a leading manufacturer of balanced power
transformers with the unique features, qualities,
pricing, and on-time deliveries that we offer
with our products. Use Miracle Electronics
balanced power transformers to clean up your