Title: Eco-Friendly Loft Insulation in UK - The Complete Overview
1Eco-Friendly Loft Insulation in UK The
Complete Guide
2Insulate your Home the Environmentally Friendly
Way with Loft insulation
Eco-friendly, loft insulation is the biggest way
to make your home more energy efficient and Less
energy is typically used to manufacture
eco-friendly loft insulation in the first place
and this reduces their carbon footprint even
3Why is Loft Insulation So Important?
Reduces Heating and Cooling Cost By 20
Reduce CO2 Emission
Increase your home comfort
Keep you home warm in the winter and cool in the
4 How Is Insulation Measured?
Loft Insulation effectiveness is measured by its
thermal resistance value, or R-value, a number
between 1 and 60 that reflects the materials
resistance to heat transfer. The better the
insulation, the higher the R-value.
5Benefits of Loft Insulation
Safe and Sustainable Materials
Formaldehyde-free materials make eco-friendly
insulation products the best choice for a green
and healthy home.
6Lower Manufacturing Costs
Lower Manufacturing Costs
It actually takes 10 times more energy to produce
fiberglass insulation than cellulose insulation.
Saving energy during production means a reduction
in harmful greenhouse gases.
7Energy Cost Savings
Energy Cost Savings
Any insulation manufacturer could make an
eco-friendly claim based on the reduction in
energy costs that insulation is designed to
8Top Benefits of Insulation
Spray foam Loft insulation have good benefits for
There is no point in a person having a spray foam
loft insulation UK done if it does not bring
about good benefits. Apart from it being cheaper
than other alternative options the spray
insulation is also considered to be very
effective. The benefits are as follows
9Saving on Energy Bills
This is one of the predominant reasons for people
to choose spray soft insulation for their homes.
Up to 50 of your energy bills can be brought
down using a loft insulation at your home.
10Heat Loss Reduction
It is estimated that most of the heat for a home
is often lost through its roof. This is quite
significant and gives you more reasons to create
a thermal barrier to ensure that the heat stays
inside while it is cold outside.
11Reduces Noise Inside
It is imperative that you do not allow external
noises to enter your home. There is no better
option to do it than to have a spray foam loft
insulation done at your home.
12Increase Home Value
Many people choose to have their home value
increased. This is one of the better ways by
which you can have the value increased when you
have a loft insulation done.
13Eco-Friendly Option
You are able to contribute towards the ecosystem
when you choose spray foam loft insulation at
your home. This installation tends to leave less
of a carbon footprint when compared to other
options available.
To conclude, these factors give you enough
reasons for you to have your loft insulated. You
get to enjoy staying at home during the winter
and also ensure that the heat is retained by all
means with loft insulation.
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