Title: Suarez Physical Therapy
1What to know before Spinal Traction
- spinal traction at home Lower back pains affect
about 31 million adults, accounting for 3.6
million outpatient visits in US hospitals.
Studies have shown that a lot of money is spent
treating lower back pains more than any other
health condition. Spinal traction decompression
therapy is one of the alternative nonsurgical
treatments of spinal cord problems. The therapy
reverses the impact that gravity has on the
spinal cord enabling the body to maintain
balance. It also increases the space in-between
the vertebrae to help the spine heal. Spinal
decompression/ traction treatment helps relieve
pain and reduce nerve compression of the neck and
lower back if performed by a qualified physical
therapist. We have not been left behind at Suarez
Physical Therapy clinic in providing spinal
traction/spinal decompression therapy to treat
spine-related conditions. Our skilled physical
therapists understand the spine is a critical
part of the human body. Thus, they strive to
deliver the best possible treatment to our
patients. If you want to undergo this therapy in
Las Vegas, Nevada, please dont hesitate to call
us. We will walk you through the procedure and
perform it with the comfort you deserve. - Overview of Spinal Decompression/Spinal Traction
- spinal traction side effects Most people believe
that spinal traction and spinal decompression
therapy are one thing. And even though they are
used interchangeably, these two therapies are
different. However, they serve a similar purpose,
which is to treat or improve various spine-
related conditions, including - Sciatica (leg and thigh pain)
- Lower back and neck pain, either long-lasting or
recent, thats of a mechanical cause. - Pinched nerves (nerve compression)
2- Disc protrusion or bulging
- Degenerative disc disease
- Arthritis of the spine
- Narrowed nerve tunnels (stenosis of the spine)
- Facet syndrome
- Spinal Traction
- spinal decompression Traction refers to the act
of pulling or drawing. When a specialist uses - their hands or any other mechanical device to
exert force on the spinal cord, its known as
spinal traction. Spinal traction therapy is
classified into two manual and mechanical spinal
traction. - This therapy aims at stretching the spine to
promote an optimum healing environment for the
conditions mentioned above. The therapist applies
a moderate or gentle force on the spinal cord to
separate its vertebrae or bones. - Manual Spinal traction - In manual traction, a
physical therapist uses his/her hands to place
you in a traction state. They then exert force
manually on the muscles and joints to increase
the spaces in-between vertebrae. - Mechanical traction - Here, youll lie on a
traction table or any other similar motorized
equipment with special tools to stretch and
straighten the spinal cord. Your physical
therapist then attaches slings, pulleys, and
ropes to your body to relieve the pressure
mechanically. Mechanical traction is further
categorized into two
Spinal Decompression Therapy
3Decompression means reducing or releasing the
physical pressure on something or having the
pressure reduced or released. Spinal
decompression is, therefore, therapy performed to
take the pressure off the spine. It is a
non-invasive process and works by mildly
stretching the spinal cord, which changes the
spine position and force. This change takes the
pressure off the spinal discs by creating
negative pressure in the discs (spinal discs are
gel-like cushions between the vertebrae).
Consequently, herniated or bulging discs might
retract, taking the pressure off the nerves and
any other structure in your spinal cord. This
then helps enhance the movement of oxygen,
water, and nutrient-rich fluids into the discs so
they can heal and relieves back pain, too.
Spinal decompression is effective and safe
without the usual risks associated with invasive
procedures like anesthesia, surgery, or
injections. Youre fully clothed during the
spinal decompression process. The therapist fits
you with a harness around your trunk and another
around your pelvis. He/she will then ask you to
lie either face-up or face down on a computer-
operated table. Note that this table is similar
to a traction table, except that it uses advanced
technology. Your therapist straps you to this
table, which he/she controls using a computer
program. He/she operates the computer,
customizing treatment to your specific needs. The
table moves, and as it does, it produces a
distraction force to the targeted area of your
spinal cord. The distraction force is followed
by a relaxation process that creates a vacuum
effect and repositions the disc. Apart from
realigning the disc, the vacuum effect also
encourages fresh blood supply, which enhances