Agriculture machinery and equipment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Agriculture machinery and equipment


Several farm techniques and machinery are produced in India to meet the needs of farmers. Farmers are constantly in need of farm machinery and equipment to make their jobs easier and require less manpower. Various types of agricultural machinery are very beneficial to the growth of farmlands and make work easier. When we look back in time, it was difficult to work with old machine techniques while using manpower. That it waste farmer time and energy. Agriculture was India's first source of income in the ancient times. Later on, in modern times, farmers can do farming more easily by using farm technology machines and equipment, which not only saves time but also lowers labour costs – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Agriculture machinery and equipment

Agriculture machinery and equipment
  • Several farm techniques and machinery are
    produced in India to meet the needs of farmers.
  • Farmers are constantly in need of farm machinery
    and equipment to make their jobs easier and
    require less manpower.
  • Various types of agricultural machinery are very
    beneficial to the growth of farmlands and make
    work easier.
  • When we look back in time, it was difficult to
    work with old machine techniques while using
  • That it waste farmer time and energy.

  • Agriculture was India's first source of income in
    the ancient times.
  • Later on, in modern times, farmers can do farming
    more easily by using farm technology machines and
    equipment, which not only saves time but also
    lowers labour costs.

What Is Agriculture Machinery?
  • Agriculture machinery and equipment are farm
    tools, machines, and equipment that increase
    agricultural crop productivity and food output.
  • Agriculture Machinery performs routine tasks in
    agriculture that benefit in increasing food crop
    production and alleviating poverty.
  • It does, however, reduce the duration of the work
    and lower the labour cost.
  • Because India is a developing country, it is
    difficult for us to purchase high-tech farm
    implements and machinery.

  • There are popular tractor brand industries and
    farm implements producing industries that focus
    on producing a limited range of machines based on
    farmer needs.

Types of Agriculture Machinery
  • There are various types of agricultural machinery
    designed by the world's largest tractor brands
    and equipment companies for various purposes in
  • We will describe the various types of
    agricultural machinery and their features in this

  • The tractor is the first and most important part
    of agricultural machinery used in farming. It is
    the primary agricultural machinery used for a
    variety of purposes.
  • A tractor is useful for longer operations based
    on crop production on various types of fields on
  • The tractor operates smoothly on the road as
    well, despite being equipped with basic features
    and specifications.

  • It is also useful when connecting the tractor to
    the equipment.
  • Tractors are available in a variety of
    configurations and engine power ranges ranging
    from 20 to 120 horsepower.
  • Tractors work well with everything from tillage
    machinery to heavy loaders and construction

Tractors range in size from small to large and
are used for a variety of agricultural purposes.
They are as follows
  • Compact Tractors, Utility Tractors, Implement
    Tractors, Industrial Tractors, Garden Tractors,
    Military Tractors, Sports Tractors, Row Crop
    Tractors, and Miscellaneous Tractors are all
    types of tractors.

  • The harvesting machine is very useful for
    harvesting various types of grain crops.
  • A harvesting machine is a versatile
    tractor-mounted machine used in agriculture and
    farming practises for post-harvesting purposes.
  • Some popular harvesting machines are manufactured
    by well-known tractor brands and farm equipment

  • Harvester is a machine that looks different from
    other machines and is used to cut down crops.
  • Harvester machines are classified into several
    types, including reaper, header, binder,
    thresher, cotton harvester, and so on.
  • These machines are used to harvest multiple types
    of crops at the same time.

Popular Harvesting machines are
  • Combine Harvester, Round Baler, Square Baler,
    Multi Crop Harvester, Sugarcane Loader, Rotary

  • Tillage is another excellent agricultural
    machinery that is used to prepare the land for
    growing crops or sowing. Tillage is the final
    stage of land preparation after several stages of
    soil preparation.
  • Tillage Methods
  • Tillage is divided into two major groups and
  • Preparatory Cultivation Preparatory cultivation
    is divided into three major sections

  • Primary Tillage There are three types of
    primary tillage deep tillage, sub-soiling, and
    year-round tillage.
  • Tillage after the first harvest

Popular Tillage Machines
  • There are various types of machines manufactured
    for various tillage processes. Here are a few
  • Mounted Disc plow, Harrow, Rotary Tillers,
    Ploughs, Mounted Disc Plough, Subsoiler, Heavy
    Duty Subsoiler.

  • Seeding is an important process in agricultural
    machinery that involves sowing crop seeds in rows
    using a seed drill machine.
  • Farmers benefit from seed drill machines because
    they make their jobs easier.
  • The seedling machine enables farmers to complete
    their tasks more quickly and efficiently.

Popular Seedling Machines
  • Roto Seed Drill, Disc Seed Drill, Pneumatic
    Planter, Multi Crop Row Planter, Post Hole Digger
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