Title: Applying for Work Permits | Legal Dos
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2Applying for Work Permits
Are you looking to work in the United States? You
may be interested in gaining a temporary work
visa or an employment-based green card. You will
find several temporary work visas with specific
times, allowing you to stay in the U.S. With an
employment green card, you can acquire a
permanent resident. It may also depend on what
type of employment you are seeking.
3How to Apply for DACA
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is
a policy that permits certain people who meet the
requirement to get deferred action. Individuals
with granted DACA eligibility to renew their DACA
grant are also eligible for work authorization.
4How to Renew My Green Card
A green card is a very valuable legal document
for immigrants. It evidences status as a lawful
resident of the United States. Thus, it is a
happy day when an immigrant receives a green
card. Unfortunately, green cards are not in
effect forever.
5Traveling Document for Green Card Holders
If you are an immigrant who has received the
right to live in the United States or an
immigrant who has a pending matter regarding
living in the United States, it may be possible
to travel outside of the United States without
losing your right to return to the United States
and live in the United States.
6Contact US
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