Title: Dupas Handwash Collection
1Best Hand Wash Collection in Pakistan
- Skin Friendly, Budget Friendly, Balanced pH,
Soap Free -
2Why DUPAS Hand Wash?
- Our DUPAS being Best Hand Wash Collection of
Pakistan comes in two variants of Moisturizing
Liquid Soaps Floral Bouquet and Berrymore, and a
variant of Antibacterial Liquid Soap Citrus
Tropic. The Moisturizing Liquid Soaps are gentle
on the skin, while also highly effective in
cleansing. Alongside, the Antibacterial Liquid
Soap is effective in shielding against germs,
bacteria and other infections, without moisture
loss of your skin.
Skin Friendly
Our product is designed with the user in mind and
is very suitable for sensitive skin
Budget Friendly
Our Eco range is designed to be cost-effective
and designed for longer use and shelf life
Balanced pH
Our product is suitable for all skin types and is
made with a balanced pH which refreshes the skin
Soap Free
Our product is 100 soap-free, it is
anti-bacterial and easy on the skin with a
refreshing aroma
4Dupas ECO CitrusTropicLiquid Hand Wash 400
- The Citrus Tropic variant by Dupas Eco is an
effective antibacterial formula that provides a
shield against germs and other bacteria.
5Dupas ECO Floral BouquetLiquid Hand Wash 400
- Enjoy the sensation of blasting berries on your
skin with our Berrymore Liquid Soap formula by
Dupas Eco. With a perfect blend of finest berries
from across the globe, the variant leaves your
skin feeling exceptionally aromatic.
6Dupas ECO BerrymoreLiquid Hand Wash 400 mle
- The Citrus Tropic variant by Dupas Eco is an
effective antibacterial formula that provides a
shield against germs and other bacteria.
7Dupas Eco Bulk Packs
- Our Dupas Eco Range is backed with bulk/refill
packs of 1700 mle respectively for each variant,
which allow you to enjoy the perks of superior
cost saving with maximum quantity. Despite being
easy on your pockets, these Economy packs are
developed with an environment friendly intention
in mind. The bulk/refill packs are the brands
take on being eco-friendly by ensuring that fewer
amounts of plastic and labor are used into
producing this product. These packs are
recyclable in nature and can also be poured into
recyclable bottles as per your and your familys
8Dupas ECO Floral BouquetLiquid Hand Wash 1700 mle
9Dupas ECO Citrus TropicLiquid Hand Wash 1700
10Dupas ECO Berrymore