Title: Can Hessonite and catseye gemstones be worn together?
2The Hessonite and the Cats Eye are two
gemstones that are regarded with high value in
Vedic Astrology. They are recommends by
astrologers for enhancing the effects of a
positive Rahu and Ketu.
3By wearing the Cats garnet precious stone,
Eye or you can
only strengthen the energies of
Ketu and Rahu. can bring
These back hidden
planets much karma
unresolved and
from your past life so that you can face the
challenges that they pose.
4Ketu can heightened
also help you to spiritual powers.
have This
- increased sense of intuition, which can allow
you to learn everything about matters . The
power of Rahu can help you to achieve great
material success.
This may pose a challenge to you if
you tend to become too much to
a superficial
materialistic life.
5Keeping such things in mind, you may consider
that wearing a gemstone relates to Rahu or Ketu
is of no great use since they only bring up
certain challenges which you may not want to
deal with. Most people tend to spend a lot of
money on a gemstone as they believe that it can
make their lives relatively simple and easy.
6Basically, no matter where Rahu and Ketu in the
chart, they indicate some karmic lessons that a
person needs to master. The energies of Rahu and
Ketu become particularly intense during the
time of their and antardasa or transit.
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