Title: Restumping In Melbourne
1Created By australiandiggersreblocking.com
2What is Restumping?
Restumping is when your homes foundation is
compromised and it is re- strengthened by
replacing the stumps in the foundation.
3When you get restumping services, which
questions should you ask?
4Are all stumps going to be replaced?
the stumps are not all
equally damaged and
be good to not
some may enough replace.
5Will the floor level be the same?
Depending on the stump size, the floor level can
get higher, or stay the same.
6Will old stumps and waste be removed?
Getting rid of construction waste can be more
difficult than getting rid of the regular trash
in home, make sure to have the waste removed by
7Will the windows and doors be fixed?
When the foundation is compromised, doors and
windows can get stuck so once the foundation is
repaired, the doors and windows should work
well, not get stuck or face any other such
8Contact Us
Website https//australiandiggersreblocking.com.a
u/restumping/ Contact No. (03)9059 8040 Email
Id australiandiggersrestump_at_gmail.com