Title: Opencart Multivendor Commission Invoice
1How Admin can generate commission invoice in
Opencart Multivendor
There are three types of commissions
available- Commission on a per-category basis
Commission on per seller basis Commission on a
global basis There is global fixed commission and
global percentage commission, and in category
commission, it can be percentage commission and
fixed commission. Whereas store commission is in
percentage only in Purpletree Multivendor
Opencart Complete Multivendor Marketplace,
2When Commission is calculated
Please see the below image of how commission
shows in admin after it is being calculated
after seller order status admin order status
changes requirements-
3When a Customer makes an order and after the
order is delivered means after the seller
completes the order or changes to predefined
level for commission calculation and admin
completes the orders from their dashboards
respectively, then the commission is calculated
and shown in orders.
Generate Commission invoice Now, the main
question arises how to generate a commission
invoice, for that please follow the path as below
4Please go to AdmingtMultivendorgtCommissionsgtSeller
StoregtClick Filter, then all commissions for the
corresponding seller will show.
5Click on the corresponding order id for that you
want to generate commission, then you can click
on Generate invoice after that commission
invoice is generated
6After click on Generate commission invoice, it
will get generated with a notification as in the
below image
7please go through AdmingtMultivendorgtCommission
Please click on view invoice for which you want
to see the invoice and see as below Generate
invoice 3-
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