Title: Gold Coast Invisable Braces - Invisalign Helensvale
1Gold Coast Invisable Braces - Invisalign
2Invisalign The Clear Alternative to Braces.
Teeth straightening has become a real option for
adults who have long endured the embarrassment
and discomfort of crooked teeth. Dr Mark
researched widely about the options before
finally deciding he would offer Invisalign braces
treatment to patients wanted to correct their
teeth. Invisalign is a technology that uses
clear, plastic aligners to gently move teeth into
a more attractive and healthier position, using
computerised, custom-designed precision
treatment. While Invisalign isnt an option for
everyone, if it is, there are many benefits to be
3(No Transcript)
4Invisalign is ideal if you
Have avoided straightening your teeth because it
meant having a mouth full of metal and enduring
sharp metal edges that can cut the tongue or
lips. Want to maintain your teeth cleaning
regime, without worrying about deterioration in
your teeth. Dont want to make multiple visits to
the orthodontist for tightening. Want to know
more about a Smile Consultation?
Lets help you shine too
5Because a confident smile wins hearts and minds.
What we do Dr Miller starts the process by
evaluating your smiles health and appearance
during our unique Smile Consult. Using digital
x-rays and a full evaluation, Dr Miller will
outline your orthodontic options. Once you get
the green light and youve decided to proceed, Dr
Miller uses 3D computer imaging technology to
design your (perfect!) smile. These 3D smile
details are then used to create the customer
aligners in a complex manufacturing process.
After the initial fitting, you will visit us
every four weeks for a new set of two aligners.
6View our Cosmetic Dental treatments below
- Select which treatment interests you to find out
Procelain Veneers
7Contact Us
- Dental as Anything
- Phone no. - 07 5573 0188
- Email - welcome_at_dentalasanything.com.au
- Address - 9 Sir John Overall Drive Helensvale,
QLD, 4212.
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