Title: Monica Wehby: A Doctor with a Simple Lifestyle
1Monica Wehby
A Doctor with a Simple Lifestyle
2About her
Monica Wehby MD is a pediatric neurosurgeon who
is board certified by the American Board of
Pediatric Neurosurgeons and the American
Association of Neurological Surgeons. She got her
medical degree from a college known as Baylor
College of Medicine and furthermore finished her
neurosurgery residency decisively at the UCLA
Medical Center. With her extraordinary
information, she was additionally granted as a
neurosurgery partnership from the Primary Medical
Center for Children. Beforehand, she additionally
served the Children's Hospital of Legacy Emanuel
as the Medical Director of Pediatric
3Medical Director of Pediatric Neurosurgeon. Childr
en's Hospital of Legacy Emanuel Pediatric
Neurosurgery Chief Randall Children's Hospital at
Legacy Emanuel Politician Republic assignment for
the U.S. Senate
Career highlights
4Her Political Career
Monica has seen a ton of high points and low
points in her political profession. In October
2013, she announced that she would be a delegate
of a Republic assignment for the U.S. Senate. She
characterizes herself as actually mastering life
as she spares little infants and furthermore
upholds fetus abortion rights.
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