Title: AWS Training in Bubaneswar
1AWS Training in Bubaneswar - Amazon Web Services
- Request DEMO Class
2AWS Course Objectives
- Introduction to the basics
- Auto-Scaling, Cloudfront, EC2 (Elastic Cloud
Computing), EBS (Elastic Block Storage), S3
(Amazon Simple Storage Service), VPC (Virtual
Private Cloud), CDN, Security, Redshift,
Cloudtrial etc. - Debug and troubleshoot AWS EC2 instances
- Designing and implementation of Cloud Solution
- Get to know with the security patching during
Solution Infrastructure implementation and
Database importance.
3Salary expectation after completing course
- The average salary expected in 2020 for different
posts as AWS professionals like Cloud Solution
Architect, Cloud Administrator and Cloud
Developer are approximately 16L per annum. This
may increase as the time pass by due to the
increasing demand.
Career after AWS Course
- Due to a massive increase in the demandfor
properly certified AWS professionals, there
arouse a number of career roles in different
sectors around the cloud services. Be one among
the most demanded categories as a AWS
professional with a starting salary of 4-5 lakhs
per annum.
4Why Should You Learn AWS?
- Huge investment of 370billions by 2020 in AWS
and the shares invested by multi corporates
affirms this as the most promising and reliable
cloud services. - Cloud computing are becoming inevitable at
present scenario and will be the necessity of
tomorrow. The advent of AI and Machine Language
more into multiple sectors including academics,
medical and finance, the need of different
services and the demand for the professionals to
manage those will be rising. - AWS is the fastest growing cloud service with an
expectation of market growth about 18-22 in
2020. - The vacancies demanding professionals are 6-12
times greater than the available professionals.
Thus there is an assurance for a promised career,
undoubtedly. - Attaining a certified training, one can obtain a
high profile with a professional authenticity and
high credibility.
AWS Training in Bhubaneswar
- Join Apponix for the best experience in AWS
training. - We offer designed courses aiming at the impending
massive industry recruitment and most experienced
experts as faculties.
5Official Address of Apponix Technologies
Head Office - Bangalore 306, 10th Main, 46th
Cross, 4th Block Rajajinagar, Bangalore -
560010 Mobile 91 8050580888 Mailinfo_at_apponix.co