Title: Hair transplant in india
1Hair transplant in india
- Marlin Medical Assistance
2Marlin Medical Assistance
- Hair transplant surgery in india
- Hair transplant is a cosmetic procedure that
helps individuals to get rid of the lack of
adequate hair on their scalp. This procedure is
in high demand among men along with women in the
present times. - Hair loss can occur due to various factors,
including stress, hormonal imbalance, illness,
and side effects of certain medications. Hair
transplant surgeon who is specialized in
performing the procedure analyses the case of the
patient and accordingly commences with the
3Hair transplant in India is classified into slit
grafts and micrografts. Slit grafts contain more
number of hairs per graft when compared to
micrografts. In slit grafts, 4 to 10 strands are
used per graft, and 1 to 2 hairs per graft are
present in the micrografts.
4Two types of techniques are utilized for hair
transplants in patients. This includes Follicular
Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit
Extraction (FUE). In the FUT procedure, a strip
of scalp skin is removed with the help of the
scalpel. The respective area is closed with
5Marlin Medical Assistance
- The removed portion of the scalp is divided into
different small segments. As per the requirement
of the case, the segments are placed on the scalp
of the patient. Within some time, hair growth
takes place on the individuals scalp. In
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), the hair
follicles are placed in the tiny holes created
during the procedure. The surgeon will decide the
number of hair follicles that will be planted
during the procedure. Once the hair follicles are
placed, the surgeon places the bandage for the
next few days.. - The total time period required for the surgery is
around four hours. Hair transplant surgeons in
India with good experience ensure that the time
frame utilized for the procedure is significantly
reduced. It is highly recommended that
individuals who are interested in undergoing a
hair transplant procedure must discuss the
results with the chosen hair transplant
procedure. Thus, the hair transplant procedure
will help you to revive your complete personality
and bring an upliftment in the confidence level
in the upcoming times.
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