Title: Why Only Kazakhstan for MBBS
1Why Only Kazakhstan for MBBS
- If you know that K?z?khst?n is on? of th? l?rg?st
countri?s with 11 popul?r univ?rsiti?s for mbbs.
Th? MBBS In Kazakhstan is w?ll known for their
uniqu? ?nd ?duc?tion syst?m. Th? m?in focus is
giv?n to pr?ctic?l tr?ining for their students.
Th? f?culti?s giv? all the ?tt?ntion to both th?
int?rp?rson?l ?nd prof?ssion?l d?v?lopm?nt.
student will g?t lots of b?n?fits from tr?ining.
?s it h?lps you to sh?p? student prof?ssion?l
c?r??r. Th? int?rn?tion?l st?nd?rd of university
?duc?tion m?k?s kazakhastan hom? for mor? th?n
5000 und?rgr?du?t? m?dic?l aspirats. Study MBBS
in kazakhstan b?c?us? of th?ir job pl?c?m?nt
opportunity. - Th? MBBS univ?rsiti?s in K?z?khst?n m?k? its
worth a student career. To study in Kazakhstan
du? its recognition by MCI, and WHO.
- There are many advantages of studying MBBS in
K?z?khst?n. - a) Tuition F?? is reasonable Th? b?st thing
?bout study MBBS from K?z?khst?n is ? r??son?bl?
M?dic?l Tuition F??s of the universities. - b) Reservation for Int?rn?tion?l Stud?nts 75
s??ts ?r? r?s?rv?d for local stud?nts. and ?round
25 s??ts ?r? r?s?rv?d for Int?rn?tion?l
stud?nts. - c) ??sy getting ?dmission G?tting ?dmission in
K?z?khst?n is very ??sy. candidates don't have
any n??d to giv? ?ny don?tions or consultation to
g?t admission in Kazakhstan - d) No L?ngu?g? Probl?m Th? m?dium of t??ching in
most of th? K?z?khst?n Univ?rsiti?s in ?nglish
for all the students. - e) Cours? Dur?tion same as in India ( 5 years)
- f) Scholarship provided candidates who p?rforms
?xtr?ordin?rily w?ll in th? ?x?ms is ?w?rd?d for
a schol?rship in som? of th? K?z?khst?n
univ?rsiti?s. - g) Safe For all the students Stud?nts Crim? r?t?
in K?z?khst?n is very low. - h) No ?ntr?nc? ?x?m for all Stud?nts don't have
any need to giv? ? p?rticul?r ?ntr?nc? ?x?m to
g?t ?dmission into univ?rsiti?s. - i) Good ?ccommod?tion for the students Living in
K?z?khst?n is comp?r?tiv?ly ch??p?r th?n the
Indi?. - j) Compr?h?nsiv? Syll?bus of mbbs Th? syll?bus
d?sign?d for MBBS in K?z?khst?n is v?ry d?t?il?d
for the students.
3?dmission Procedure
In most of th? M?dic?l Univ?rsiti?s. th? cours?
of MBBS in kazakhastan comm?nc?s from th? month
of august to Octob?r ?nd h?nc? th? ?pplic?tions
will be clos?d by th? ?nd of Jun? ?v?ry y??r. Th?
docum?nts r?quir? 4 to 6 w??ks to proc?ss ?ft?r
submission of candidate ?pplic?tion. Following is
th? proc?ss to g?t ?dmission into Kazakhstan a)
Aandidate should have to Downlo?d th? ?pplic?tion
form ?nd fill in th? d?t?ils corr?ctly b) Ch?ck
for ?ll th? necessary docum?nts r?quir?d for
th?ir ?dmission c) Submit th? ?pplic?tion ?long
with th?ir docum?nts d) If ? student is s?l?ct?d,
then they will h?v? to p?y ?dmission, ?pplic?tion
?nd proc?ssing f?? to book their s??t. e) Th?
?dmission l?tt?r will b? r?c?iv?d onc? from the
university. th? c?ndid?t? h?s compl?t?d ?ll th?
VIS? ?nd oth?r form?liti?s for Mbbs in
4?ligibility Criteria for MBBS?
There are some ?ligibility crit?ri? to g?t
?dmission into MBBS in Kazakhstan univ?rsiti?s in
K?z?khst?n a) Th? student must h?v? scor?d ?t
l??st 55 p?rc?nt m?rks in PCB in cl?ss 12th. b)
Th? student must b? 17 or above y??rs of ?g? on
or prior to 31st D?c?mb?r of th? y??r b?ing
?ppli?d c) Th? candidate must h?v? to qu?lifi?d
the N??T ?x?min?tion. d) Th? c?ndid?t? must h?v?
?ll th? r?quir?d docum?nts that
VIS?- a) ? v?lid p?ssport for student b) 4
P?ssport siz? photogr?ph c) ? compl?t? VIS?
?pplic?tion form of the student d) ? H??lth
Ch?ck-up form of the student.
5Contact US
- Name mbbsfromabroad
- Website https//www.mbbsfromabroad.com/mbbs-in-ka
zakhstan.php - Email ID-mbbsfromabroad.com_at_gmail.com
- Address-PSP Education- 1015, 10th Floor, Kirti
Shikhar Tower, District Centre, Janakpuri , New
Delhi 110058 91 8826646202, 91 9811614340,