Title: Get Pet Wellness & Preventative Care at Urban PetRX
1Pet Wellness Preventative Care
2Just like humans, a little preventative care for
your pet will go a long way in helping them live
a happy and healthy life.
3Our vet team serving Bridgeport, McKinley Park
and surrounding areas is happy to provide
individualized wellness programs for both cats
and dogs to ensure that we are diagnosing
potential problems early and staying on top of
their ever-changing health.
4Pets unfortunately have a shorter lifespan than
we do, so their health changes at a quicker pace
than our own.
5Our preventative programs will help keep your pet
up-to-date on vaccines and general checkups.
6We'll tailor the specific protocol to meet the
needs of your pet based on animal, breed, age,
and many other factors.
7Urban PetRX 3113 S Morgan St Chicago, IL
60608 773.801.0771 teampet_at_urbanpetrx.com www.urba