Title: Hypocamnia - Low Co2
1Low CO2 (Hypocapnia)https//www.normalbreathing
- Normal Breathing Health and Fitness consultant
- Website - https//www.normalbreathing.com/
- By Dr. Artour Rakhimov, Alternative Health
Educator and Author- Medically Reviewed
by Naziliya Rakhimova, MD
2Definition of Low CO2 (hypocapnia)
- Hypocapnia (hypocapnea, also known as hypocarbia)
is defined as a deficiency of carbon dioxide in
the arterial blood. This is a major respiratory
symptom. Most medical sources define hypocapnia
as less than 35 mm Hg for partial CO2 pressure in
the arterial blood. The arterial CO2 value for
normal breathing at rest is 40 mm Hg (or about
5.3 CO2 partial pressure at sea level). - Another term alveolar hypocapnia describes low
CO2 levels in the alveoli of the lungs. Severe
alveolar hypocapnia generally leads to arterial
hypocapnia, which causes respiratory alkalosis.
(People with lung conditions often have arterial
hypercapnia (elevated CO2) caused by alveolar
hypocapnia since alveolar hypocapnia immediately
causes bronchospasm.) These studies (see the
Table below) show that alveolar hypocapnia is
very common for many chronic diseases. Most of
these patients (with heart disease, diabetes,
cancer, and so forth) have arterial hypocarbia as
well. Furthermore, this Table also identifies the
cause of hypocapnia.
3What causes hypocapnia
- Hypocarbia is caused by chronic hyperventilation
(or an automatic deep breathing pattern) leading
to alveolar hypocapnia (lack of CO2), and if
there is no ventilation-perfusion mismatch, to
arterial CO2 deficiency. Normal breathing is
imperceptible or unperceivable since it is small
and light (10-12 breaths/min, 500 ml for tidal
volume, and 6 L/min for minute ventilation at
rest for a 70-kg person). In contrast,
hypercapnic patients and even most normal
subjects breathe over 10 L/min and have over 18
breaths/min for respiratory frequency. - Among lifestyle factors that cause
hyperventilation and hypocarbia are physical
exercise with mouth breathing, meals (eating and
especially overeating), stress, anxiety,
overheating, attempts to breathe deeply, deep
breathing exercises (except slow ones, like
Pranayama), supine sleep and being in the
horizontal position, poor posture and many other
factors (see Causes of Hyperventilation web
4Respiratory and other symptoms of hypocarbia
- Since hypocapnia is based on chronic
hyperventilation, its symptoms are the same as
the symptoms of hyperventilation. They are very
wide and range from chronic coughing and nasal
congestion to constipation, coughing and muscle
cramps. Among other common symptoms of hypocapnia
are bronchospasm, cold extremities, mouth
breathing, exacerbations of asthma, angina pain,
and many others. - The key pathological effect of both, alveolar and
arterial hypocapnia is reduced levels of oxygen
in body cells (tissue hypoxia), This promotes
virtually all chronic diseases. These and other
physiological effects associated with low CO2 and
low oxygen levels in body cells, with numerous
medical studies, are provided below (in
CO2-related links). More information about
symptoms of hypocapnia can be found
here symptoms of hyperventilation.
5Severe hypocarbia the most common cause/factor
of mortality in the severely sick
- The majority of terminally sick people die in
conditions of severe hypocapnia due to heavy and
fast breathing. Separate web pages of this site
have numerous studies that show that terminally
sick patients with cancer, cystic fibrosis, HIV,
and other conditions have up to 30-40 breaths per
minute or more at rest. - Respiratory alkalosis, the result of heavy
breathing in the sick, is the most common
acid-base abnormality observed in patients who
are critically ill. It is common for those with
numerous diseases, including cancer,
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, HIV-AIDS,
asthma, COPD, and many other conditions. - This YouTube Video explains the details and
provides many quotes from medical studies
Hypocapnia, Respiratory Alkalosis Key Causes
of Deaths in the Most Sick. - https//youtu.be/AxFmHCEhAII
6Treatment of hypocapnia
- Since hypocapnia is based on overbreathing,
successful treatment of hypocarbia is based on
addressing the cause chronic hyperventilation.
Therefore, treatment of hypocapnia is the same
as treatment of hyperventilation. - Note that based on impressive clinical evidence
(CO 2 measurements in thousands of healthy and
sick people), leading Soviet physiologist Dr. KP
Buteyko and about 150 medical doctors (Buteyko
breathing practitioners) suggested a different
definition of hypocapnia. These doctors tested
nearly a half million people and found that great
health (with a lot of energy, craving for
physical exercise, joy of eating raw foods,
naturally short sleep of no more than 4.5 hours
and other amazing effects) is possible when
people have even more carbon dioxide in alveoli
of the lungs and arterial blood. Find out this
number in your bonus content right below here. - Go to Hyperventilation Symptoms
7Thank You