Title: How to relieve constipation
1How to relieve constipationhttps//www.normalbr
- Normal Breathing Health and Fitness consultant
- Website - https//www.normalbreathing.com/
- By Dr. Artour Rakhimov, Alternative Health
Educator and Author- Medically Reviewed
by Naziliya Rakhimova, MD
2- This natural home remedy for How to Relieve
Constipation is a breathing exercise for
quick constipation relief. It has been used by
more than 150 Soviet and Russian medical doctors
on thousands of their patients with a striking
success rate (over 80). - The exercise works quickly for children and
during pregnancy too. This home remedy helps to
prevent spasms providing more oxygen and blood
for all gastrointestinal organs. As you can
guess, this is the most natural and very fast
home remedy since it requires only control of
your breathing. And it takes only about 1-2
minutes. - The main reason to read this article How to
Relieve Constipation People with constipation
usually have less than 30 seconds for the
body-oxygen test, while we should have about 40 s
(the medical norm).
3- The cause of low body oxygen content in modern
people is their too fast and heavy breathing (or
deep breathing). Over breathing reduces CO2 in
the lungs, and this reduces the O2 content in all
body cells (see the brain image). - In addition, low CO2 in smooth muscles creates a
muscular spasm. To stop and prevent constipation w
e need to breathe slower and less (closer to the
medical norm).
4How to Relieve Constipation (breathe-easy
- Do this exercise when you are sitting in the
bathroom on the toilet. To relieve constipation fa
st or in about 1 minute, pinch your nose after
your usual exhalation. Start holding your breath.
(Note that you should avoid any mouth breathing
during this exercise.) - You will probably hold your breath without any
stress only for about 20 seconds. This is common
for modern people. They have about twice reduced
body-O2 content in comparison with people living
about 100 years ago. But you should hold your
breath a little longer or until you get a strong
desire to breathe (for more carbon dioxide). - Try to get about 30 or more seconds for the
breath hold. After you release your nose, make
the first inhalation only through the nose and
start reduced breathing (breathing less air than
before this exercise).
5- Instead of taking your usual big and frequent
inhalations, take a smaller inhalation and using
the diaphragm (belly) only. Then relax all
muscles of the body for the exhalation. - Repeat the cycle make another short inhalation
and again just relax all muscles to exhale.
Practice this reduced breathing while remaining
relaxed. In other words, try to breathe slower
and less.
- In order to help with constipation, your purpose
is to maintain air hunger (a shortage of air) for
about 1 minute with total relaxation of the body.
6Why does this technique cause constipation relief?
- This breathing remedy increases brain and body
oxygen content. When you get increased alveolar
and arterial CO2 levels, CO2 will dilate arteries
and arterioles. CO2 is the most potent dilator of
arteries and arterioles. - Hence, it causes easing the spasm and providing
more oxygen for cells. Over 90 of people can
stop constipation with this exercise in 1-2
minutes. - This YouTube video provides the same exercise to
relieve constipation fast Constipation Remedies
Relief in 1 Min. - https//youtu.be/UEbEM6ixwSU
7Thank You