Title: Paul A. Cook - Professional Researcher From Sudbury, MA
1Paul A. Cook
Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon Specializes in
Cosmetic Facial Surgery
2(No Transcript)
3Paul Cook is a professional researcher and his
contributions in research have been recognized at
a national level by being published in Atlantic
Magazine and Bella Magazine. He has dealt with
many clients with complex cases so he has the
confidence to take on any challenge. He has a
specialization in Cosmetic Facial Surgery.
4Paul Cook has an optimistic personality as he has
done many lectures at the national and
international levels. His focus of expertise
includes implant, cosmetic, reconstructive, and
sedation dentistry.
5Paul Cook can perform surgeries of full and
partial mouth reconstruction, porcelain veneers,
and dental implants. He is a consultant in
dentistry, plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, and
reconstructive surgery. He has done training from
Bruce Connell Aesthetic Surgery Institute.
6Paul Cook also did a fellowship in Plastic
Reconstructive surgery from the USC School of
Medicine. He has also worked with different
medical professionals, doctors, and surgeons. He
has years of expertise as a plastic surgeon and
dentist. He has a dental license from Florida,
Pennsylvania, and New York.
To know more about him visit his official site