Title: fasinatinglook
1Advertisement and Changing Fashion Trends Change
is everywhere, in the fashion industry, you can
say advertisements making the industry dynamic.
Summer clothes for women are deeply impacted by
this adage. New trends and fashion are being
introduced every day, everything is moving in a
forward direction. Due to its flickering nature,
fashion designers, fashion bloggers, and
retailers, manufacturers, and graphic designers
are continuously introducing new trends and
changing their techniques in media. They are
choosing new horizons and forums to approach the
target audience. In this article, we are going
to discuss how advertising impacts women fashion
trends The role of a graphic designer Fashion
designers have to play a critical role in making
a brand image. Fashion designers and fashion
photographers can only design fashion and take
outstanding photos respectively. They are not
experts in combining the essential color scheme
in designing. They stimulate colors, visuals,
and typography. The fashion magazines and
lookbooks, swing tags, and catalogs are all
creations of the graphic designers. Business
cards, social media pages, and websites are
crucial in this age of digitalization. The
graphic designers and experts are responsible for
making the look and feel of your brand. You
can't survive without digital marketing, which is
responsible for all the graphic designers along
with digital marketing experts, creating all the
revenues on social media and the
internet. Content marketing Content is the
pivot of your advertising campaign, if you have
produced valued content, you can gain maximum
traffic on your website. If you have
well-researched content on your website, or blog
and consistently produce it, you should not worry
a lot, search engines can be your best
advertisement tool. Google is always analyzing
the quality of your content, if it has the
required information, it will automatically come
on the first page of google. Google is always
analyzing your content if you are regularly able
to produce quality content.
2It would become the marketing strategy these
days. Companies are hiring professional content
writers to produce the best plagiarism-free
content. The content can be shared with your
loyal customer base, they can get the required
information and purchase your products.
Artificial intelligence and advertisement Artific
ial intelligence is also impacting the fashion
world. Companies are now integrating AI to
fashion advertising. Companies now provide
solutions like chat boards, this software
providing consumers, a perfect solution to
customers. The fashion retailers are now easily
able to know the exact requirement of the
customer and able to produce a design according
to the wishes of the consumer. The AI is reducing
the gap between the end-user and the
manufacturer. The term customization is not a
hidden secret, all this is due to outstanding
communication like chat boards between the
consumer and the retailers. Artificial
intelligence helps companies to maintain
customer databases. This database is critical in
customer relationship management. The concept
of advertisement is changing in this modern age.
Companies are not simply advertising their
products on the electronic media, they are
focusing on the digital media to graph a greater
audience. Companies are inclined towards digital
media, new advertisement areas like content
marketing are crucial for a brand to successfully
advertise their brand on digital media.