Title: Satinder Dhaliwal Law Corporation
2About Us
A multidisciplinary legal practice advising a
wide range of clients including entrepreneurs,
corporations and partnerships, SDLC aims to
provide innovative solutions to complex business
and legal problems. We serve clients throughout
the Lower Mainland and across Canada. Our firm
specializes in corporate law, immigration law
and commercial real estate.
3Practice Areas
Corporate Law Immigration Law Residential
Tenancy Commercial Real Estate
4Corporate Law
Satinder Dhaliwal Law Corporation is a corporate
law firm located in Surrey, British Columbia.
SDLC offers personalized and professional
services Our approach is client-centered we
work tirelessly to advocate for your needs and
to protect your rights.
5 Immigration Law
If you want to move to Canada as a permanent
resident, there are a number of programs
available for foreign citizens. For further
details, you can contact Canada Immigration
Lawyer online and turn your dream into a reality!
6Residential Tenancy
Most residential tenancies in British Columbia
are covered by the Residential Tenancy Act
(RTA). This act governs the rights of tenants
and responsibilities of landlords in British
Columbia. Our law firm offers services ranging
from advising on the RTA and Regulations to
full legal representation at hearings before the
Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB).
7Commercial Real Estate
Satinder Dhaliwal Law Corporation offers
commercial real estate attorney services. Our
lawyers possess good acumen in commercial real
estate laws. They also have expertise regarding
the formulation of business rental lease
agreement. We serve a wide range of clients
throughout Canada. Our remarkable legal
services are helping us to gain more recognition
in Canada.
8Get In Touch
h ttps//www.dhaliwallawcorp.com
s at_at_dhaliwallawcorp.com
1 (604)-360-0516