Title: 5 Ways To Serve A Great Cocktail
15 Ways To Serve A Great
2LED Ice Cubes
Add colors to your class of cocktails by shining
light on them with LED Ice Cubes. These make
your glass of drinks look attractive in pretty
colors, which are available in a variety and
add a different yet fun vibe when paired with
cocktails of unusual hues.
3Garnishes that you can eat
Edible garnishes make your glasses of drinks
look interesting and classy. Edibles like celery
stalk, carrot stick, cherries, olives and lemons
have for very long been popular among garnishes
that can also be enjoyed with your drinks.
4The more the layers, the better
Some great combinations of layered drinks can be
a mint mojito with crushed mint leaves or a mini
kamikaze with vodka, B lue Curacao, and lime
juice. The key to this is no stirring once
served and should be savored the same way as it
can ruin the presentation.
5Classy shooters
Small servings always add sass to your drinks
and the celebration. Pump up the party with a
modern take on shooters. These with a few sips
of limoncello, a mojito, or cosmopolitan are a
sure way to get people on the dance floor.
6With Popsicles!
Give an up-scale touch to your drinks,
especially during the summers, with a variety of
fruity popsicle garnishes. They are a perfect
blend of playful and classy at the same time and
can be served as a refreshing summer drink that
is perfect for any occasion.
7Let your cocktail mixer experience be a
memorable tale with Drinktales
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