Title: Singular and Plural
1Singular and Plural
DGR Mangala Rupasinghe BEd(English), HNDE
2How many sounds and Letters in English Language?
- Sounds 44
- Letters 26 or 27
344 Sounds
4English Alphabet
1835's English letters are considered as 27
because it has ampersand on after the Z letter.
5Types of letters
68 Main Parts Of Speech
- Nouns
- Verbs
- Adjective
- Adverbs
- Preposition
- Interjections
- Conjunctions
- Pronouns
- A noun is a word to describe a person, place or
Dog Cat Ant
School Classes Playground
Book Tree knives
Teacher Students Mother
8Singular and Plural nouns
- Singular noun - only one
- Plural noun - more than one ( two or more)
9Same word for the noun and verb
Fly Book Pen Paint Plant Order Light
10How to form Plural
- Most of the nouns form their plural by adding s
to the singular.
A book - Books A pen - Pens A boy - Boys A
girl - Girls A school- Schools
11How to form Plural
- The nouns end with s, ss, ch, sh, x and
o form their plural by adding es to the
A bus - Buses A class - Classes A
church - Churches A dish - Dishes A
box - Boxes A mango - Mangoes
- Some nouns ending with o omit this rule. They
merely add s
kilo-kilos stereo-stereos
studio-studios Photo-photos
commando- commandos piano pianos
12How to form Plural
- The nouns end with y, preceded by a consonant,
form their plural by changing y into ies to
the singular.
A baby - Babies A city - Cities A
fly - Flies A lady - Ladies A army - Armies A
pony - Ponies
- The nouns end with y, preceded by a vowel,
form their plural by s to the singular
13How to form Plural
- The nouns end with y, preceded by a vowel,
form their plural by just adding s to the
A boy - Boys A play - plays A day - days A
ray - rays A guy - guys A bay - bays
14How to form Plural
- The nouns end with f or fe form their
plural by changing f or fe to ves in
the singular.
A leaf - Leaves A loaf - Loaves A
wolf - wolves A wife - wives A life - lives A
knife - knives
15How to form Plural
- Few nouns end with f or fe form their
plural by just adding s to the singular.
Proof - proofs Roof - roofs Handkerchief - hand
kerchiefs Chief - chiefs Safe - safes
16How to form Plural
- Some nouns form their plural by changing internal
Man - men Woman - women Goose - geese Tooth - te
eth Foot - feet Mouse - mice Louse - lice
17The End