Title: Sezlon123
Let's Save Lives
2A tap to get "Help"
Emergency can happen to anyone, anytime and
anywhere - Let another nearest 'HelpyFinder'
user help you, or you can help and be a Savior..
3NearBy help
Ask for help from the people around you by just
one tap. It connects you to the nearby
HelpyFinder in real-time.
NearBy help
4Protect Family
Send your live location to all your Emergency
Contacts. You have the option to send a request
to the nearest Police and Doctor in one go.
Protect Family
5Emergency Help Request
Send your live location to all your Emergency
Contacts. You have the option to send a request
to the nearest Police and Doctor in one go.
Emergency Help Request
6Find the nearest Doctor, nearest available
Ambulance, nearest Police, nearest Lawyer and
many more...
All in One
All in One
7Download The App Now