Title: What Is The Trend In Recycling?
1What Is The Process Of Recycling ?
Step 1 Collection There are many ways for
collecting recyclables, including Curbside
collection Drop-off recycling clubs, retail
locations, or store events Deposit / return
programs Step 2 Processing After collection,
recyclables are shipped to a Material
Restoration Facility to be sorted, washed, and
prepared into materials that can be used in
manufacturing. Step 3 Manufacturing More and
more of today's products are being manufactured
with recycled content. You previously buy
products with recycled content and just dont
know it. Common household items that contain
recycled materials include Aluminum bottles
Car guards Carpeting Seedboxes Comic books Egg
containers Glass boxes Washing detergent bottles
Engine oil Step 4 Purchasing Recycled
Products Youre not recycling except you are
purchasing recycled,
is a
i.e., closing the loop. A r ecycle promotional
product made in full or in part from material
obtained from the trash stream.
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