Title: Women in Science | French Institute in India
2Gender Equality Lecture Series?
India and France have been working together for
several decades to achieve common developmental
goals in the field of science and research. To
preserve the heritage of this longstanding
collaboration, the French Institute in India has
initiated a project to document the scientific
partnership between India and France across
3Gender Equality Lecture Series?
The prime objective of the project is to revisit
and document the common history of science and
technology between India and France. The context
of the Generation Equality Forum also prompts us
to question the visibility of the women who
contributed to our common scientific progress.
4Gender Equality Lecture Series?
Women have made contributions to science since
the earliest of times. Diverse ideas and
perspectives steer us toward progress, toward
life-changing solutions that help everybody. For
scientific research to be impartial, objective
and accurate, diversity and inclusion is
inevitable. In these curated talks with experts
from many different scientific fields, astronomer
and science historian Pranav Sharma explores the
unique perspective women bring to the fields of
science and STEM.
5Women in Science
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