Scissor Lift - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Scissor Lift


scissor lift- NIHVA Technologies manufactures and designs hydraulic scissor lift with the best quality raw material. Designed using the latest technology, they enable long-term and safe operations. Unique Features: - Operates indoor and outdoor - Hydraulically Operated - Integrated with safety limit switches and fall arrestor for safety - Table surface for placing weight & lift management. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Scissor Lift

NIHVA Techn, ol ,o g ,i e s Private Limited
2012 In Pune (t-1ah rashtra, 1ndla), we "'NIHVA
Teehnotogles Pvt. Ltd." are the prominent
Es, tab ll she d In
manufacturer, importer, exporter of a
comprehensive assortment of Hangar Door1
Material Handling Equipments, RoiIIng Shutter,
Slldling Roof and much more. The offered1pro d
ucts arehlghly appreciated among ou, r customers
for their attributes like eye-catching de-si
gn, waterproof_, easy to maintain, tong fasting,
mojsture resistance and easy to use. Further, our
offered product is checke, d on wellset
parameters of quality inorder to provide a
perfect range at th,e elients' end.
service provider of Door Inst.a11atlon S,erv l(le.
Future Jndustries offers .a wide range of Lift
Tables in ad1vancedfeatures to cater to vast
requirements of clients. The NIMVA Uft Table p r
ovi ded by us rs safe efficient and ways to
endless Material Handling Appli cat ions at
Distribution Centre, Logistics Companies,
Industries etc. Our Lift Ta1ble-s are popular in
the market because we don't compr,omise on the
quality and always endeavor to meet lntemational
Standards by stringent qualitychecilt ng and
usingState-of-the-art Technalogres In the
manufactul'lin g proeess.
Working Principl1e of
!H y 1dr aulli c
S cissor' !Lift
The concept of a scissors lift i.vith hyd raulir
c power comes from Pascal1s
Secood force Is 10 or,glna.l forc,e
law applied in car jacks and hydrau, llc
rams which states that "pressur,e
, o, I9 1n aI force
exerted anywh1ere in a conformed incompressible fl
uid is transmitted
,II, -
equally dir,ections thro, ughou
t the
fludl such that the pressure ratio
r,emains the same" (Hydraulics online
Area Al
Why Scissor Lift ?'
The scissors lift 1s an e1evator with a system of
levers and hyd rau l ic cylinders on which the
metal platform is capabfe of moving in the
verticaI direction, This is achieved by using
of linked, folding supports in a crisscross
pattern, calredscissor mechanism. Scl-ss.ors
lift ls anintegral part of most of the workshops
.an d bu flding objects. The key advantage of
lifts is tlhat they even offer the best nay to
organi se a technologlcal and industrlaI
proc-ess. Bes.ides , almost au lifts give the
posslblIlty to change the place of their lns
talllat lon without much effort, whleh Is
important In the frequently changing
condftlons In the productlon process these
days. The.scissors 11ft surface
whei-ethe weight canbeplaced. The rising of a
pJatform Is carried! out due to work of a
hydraoll,c cylind,eli' The management of the Uft
Is carried out by the control panel which has
four buttons the main switch, pla1t fof'Tli'!
Up, Down, and emergency switch. As li1Sing
speed uniform and slow (on average 30 mmper
e s of Sc i ,sso,r
'The design of scissor lifts can be divided into
two main types
2 , Portable (MOBILE) The portable scissor ntts
divided into several mobile li ing platforms a
couple of tracto rlift platfor1ms 1 AC-DC
dual-use ,vorking out with a p,atform,
lightwe1ght aluminium Stainless-steel lift
platform, working out with height from
1 10m.
The pet,mane-nt
scissot l1ifts are scissor raise platforms.,
tirack lif ti ng platform, loading and
unloacUn9pl'at fo r1ms .
sc-1ssor lif,t di vided into electro-hydraulic
AS t h, e
man uaI-hydra1.llic.
Sci ssor Lift
1)f.ety R..lli ll n,g
io.p Frame with
antl-s d (cl'lequ,ed) Siheet
Lip PliJto
Scissors Lifting LLJgs
Heavy Duty Hydraulic Cylinder
Base Frame
Hose burst vatve and flexible Hose
M Keight Umit Switdl
Power Pack
AC Mot ---
Pressu Gaug
0 I filler breather
Mal\lrold BIOC"ot (Dircc1on.ii Solenoid V. Ive)
Gell Pumo
01I Level Indica tor
Pump Pressure Unc fie. bleHose
Suction Strainelt
Oil Reservoir Hydrau graoc-68)
Manual bock
Ph se iOdlCO"'tOI' (R,Y,8)
Push Buttons for- Up UpOown Ope_raoon
- - - - - - - -
Push 61.Jttoos for Platform Up,-Down operation
Safety F'1ea t ur e s
Hydraulic Accessories
Pilll o ,t Oper a t,ed 1Ch_at_c k Valves
an actuator to be rocked in
F1.1nct on 1Of PIiot Operated Check Valves
Designedf0r use In applications reciul1ri n9
posirtlon, Pilot 01p erated Check Valves allow
free flow tr-om the iniput port through the
output port. Supplying
a pirot prr,ess, ure
to the vaIve aIIOVgtIS flow in the 0 te
direction. 1
Hose burst valve The hose burst valve is a flow
operated flat seat valve. Therefore, it pr,even
ts uncontroJled movement in the consumer in the
event of a hose burst. The hose burst valve is,
open in the normaI pos1tion ana alfows flow in
both directions. Jf there is an excess of
the pre-s-et actuating flow rate as a result of a
lhose bu rs t, for example, the valve quickly
doses and blocks the flow from port 1 to port 2.
Oil retur11 l11n.e filter Re urn LIne f "'ber for
elean 1ln 9 the o i l 91 oln9 'through the fl
l ters . T he return line ftlters have retilably
remove the contamination from the ope fluid
flo,.vs back into the tank
tin,g nuld
. Following tlnis filtration, the
Safe,t y Features
Elect rical Accessories , o ve r load 1r ,
y A relay that opens a clrouit when the load 1ln
the clrr,cult exceeds a preset valuer ,n order to
provide over load protection usually rres,ponds
to excessive current, but may respond to
excessive values of power, temperature, or other
Quantiitlies. Also known as over oad release.
M C.B , A miniature circuit breaker (MC6)
automatically switches o'ff electrical circuit
during an abnormal condition of the network
means in overload condition as weU as faulty
condition. Handling an MCB is electrically safer
than a fuse.
l ot,o ft Switch A lockou't device is a key or
comblnatlon lock with a spelthll tag with a
worker's name. The tock must be attached to an
lso1atlng device, c, lrcult breaker. and/or
S\..-litoh 'bo prevent turning on he energy
source or equipment or releasing energy.
Safe,t y Features
Mechanical Accessories
Safety fab,ric bellows Bellov,s are us.ea to
cover criss-cross portion of sci ssor liftin
operating conditi on to, pr ohfbi t manual int
erference under the working1 1gtFatf or m .
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