Title: Tourism Sites in Duhok City
1Tourism Sites in Duhok City Vin Alshekh, Khamleen
Shawkat University of Dohuk, Results
This poster will show the map of the main
Tourism sites in Duhok city by using ArcGIS
Duhok City is the official center of the Duhok
district (governorate), and one of the major
cities in the Kurdistan Region. It is located in
northern Iraq, near the Syrian and Turkish
borders. Duhok city has a variety of historical
and tourism sites.There are dozens of
restaurants, hotels, motels, historic and
folkloric museums, a Yazidic cultural museum, a
play area, a small zoo, and supermarkets, that
are considered tourism sites.
Methods and Materials
First step Open arc Toolbox
data management tools
Raster raster processing
composite band
input raster click on this icon
select (band4,3,2) ok Second step Open Arc
catalog gt Right click on input gt New Shape file
gt in Create new shape file gtfor Name wrote
(tourism place) gtfor Feature Type selected
point gt Edit gtin Spatial Reference properties
gtProject Coordinate System gt UTM WGS 1984 gt
North select WGS gt Zone 38 new layer appear for
places gt right click on that gtEdit Feature
gtcreate feature from catalog click on point gt
select point of the place gt Stop Editing.
Official Site of General Board of Tourism of
Kurdistan Iraq http//bot.gov.krd/duhok-province
The main tourism sites found in Duhok city are
Gali dam, Dream city, Duhok Zoo, Zawa mountain,
Azadi park, Barzani park, Bablo resort, Mazi
complex, and Zari park. The number of proper
sites in comparison to the number of citizens is
low. There is also no proper maintenance for the
already existing sites in the city.
We are really grateful because we managed to
complete our poster within the time given by our
lecturer Dr. Jowan M. Aldoski, and with her
support. We also sincerely thank our lecturer
Dr. Mohammad Jalal for the guidance and
Contact Vin Alshekh tp020.vin.alshekh_at_gmail.com
Khamleen Shawkat tp019.khamleen.berwari_at_gmail.com
Supervisor Dr. Jwan M. Aldoski