Title: All About Kubernetes
1All About Kubernetes
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2What are Orchestrators? Orchestrators are tools
that allow Devops administrators to fetch images
from the registries, deploy them into containers,
and manage container operation. This is the final
phase of the container lifecycle, where the
latest version of the application is deployed and
comes onto live usage. Orchestrators are helpful
in monitoring container resource consumption and
job execution, identifying host failures, and
automatically restarting containers on new hosts.
When resources are exhausted, an orchestrator
allocates additional resources to the containers.
When an application running in the container
needs to be updated, the existing containers are
destroyed, and new containers are created from
the updated images.
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4Popular orchestrators include Kubernetes, Docker
Swarm, Nomad, Mesos, etc. Introduction to
Kubernetes Kubernetes is also known as K8s. It
is an open-source, portable, extensible
orchestration platform developed by Google. It is
used for managing containerized applications and
microservices. Containers provide an efficient
way for packaging and running applications. In a
real-time production environment, containers must
be managed efficiently to bring downtime to zero.
For example, if a container experiences failure,
another container boots automatically. To
overcome these issues, Kubernetes provides a
resilient framework to manage distributed
containers, generate deployment patterns, and
perform failover and redundancy for applications.
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5- Features of Kubernetes
- Service discovery Kubernetes allows a service to
be discovered via a DNS name or IP address. - Load balancing When a container receives heavy
traffic, Kubernetes automatically distributes the
traffic to other containers and performs load
balancing. - Storage orchestration Kubernetes allows
developers to mount their own storage
capabilities, such as local and public cloud
storage. - Automated rollouts and rollbacks Kubernetes
automates the process of creating new containers,
destroying existing containers, and moving all
resources from one container to another. - Automatic bin packing Kubernetes can manage a
cluster of nodes that run containerized
applications. If you specify the resources needed
to run the container, such as processing power
and memory, Kubernetes can automatically allocate
and deallocate resources to the containers.
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6Kubernetes Cluster Architecture
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7Kubernetes Components Kubernetes
cluster Kubernetes cluster is a set of worker
node or master node for operating containerized
applications. If we are running Kubernetes, we
are running a cluster. We can say cluster is the
heart of Kubernetes. The key advantage the
capacity to schedule and run containers over a
group of machines, be they physical or virtual,
on-premises, or in the cloud. Master It is a
collection of components which makes up the
control plane of Kubernetes. These components are
utilized for all cluster decisions. It involves
both scheduling and responding to cluster
events. Node It is a single host which is able
to run on a physical or virtual machine. A node
should run both kube-proxy, container runtime,
and kubelet, which are considered as a part of
the cluster.
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8Kubernetes Master components  API server The
Kubernetes API server is easy to manage because
all of the API servers persistent state is
stored in an external database to the API server.
The server itself is stateless and can be
replicated to handle request load and for fault
tolerance. In a highly available cluster, the API
server is replicated three times. Kubernetes
scheduler Kubernetes scheduler is a piece of the
open-source Kubernetes container orchestration
platform that manages performance, ability, and
availability through policies and topology
awareness. Controller manager Kubernetes
controller manager is a master component that
runs controllers. Controllers are generally
individual processes like node controller and
endpoint controller but are combined into a
single binary and run together in a single
process to reduce complexity. ETCD (/etc
distributed)Â It is a distributed and consistent
key-value storage where Kubernetes cluster data,
service discovery details, API objects are stored.
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9Kubernetes platforms
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10- Difference between Kubernetes and Docker
- Docker is open-source software that can be
installed on any host to build, deploy, and run
containerized applications on a single operating
system. Kubernetes is a container orchestration
platform that automates the process of creating,
managing, updating, scaling, and destroying
containers. - Both Dockers and Kubernetes are based on
microservices architecture. They are built using
the Go programming language to deploy small,
lightweight binaries and use YAML files to
specify application configurations. - When Kubernetes and Docker are combined together,
they provide effective management and deployment
of containers in a distributed architecture. - When Docker is installed on various hosts with
different operating systems, you can use
Kubernetes to maintain these Docker hosts by
container provisioning, load balancing, failover,
and scaling.
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11How can I prepare for Kubernetes? Infosec
Train is one of the leading IT security training
providers. We offer a comprehensive training
program for Kubernetes certification. If you want
to take the experts help in getting through the
Kubernetes certification exam, check
these Kubernetes certification training
course offered by Infosec Train https//www.info
rator-cka/ https//www.infosectrain.com/courses/c
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12About InfosecTrain
- Established in 2016, we are one of the finest
Security and Technology Training and Consulting
company - Wide range of professional training programs,
certifications consulting services in the IT
and Cyber Security domain - High-quality technical services, certifications
or customized training programs curated with
professionals of over 15 years of combined
experience in the domain
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